U生无可恋的奥托 A Man Called Otto (2022),这次要推荐的这部作品是电影《生无可恋的奥托》,影帝汤姆汉克斯既是制片人也是主演,翻拍自全球畅销小说《一个叫欧维的男人决定去死》,至今全球票房已破一亿美金。电影讲的是一位性格古怪的老人,在失去爱人后也对生活失去了希望,妻子是他唯 ...展开...
A Man Called Otto(2022) PG-13 126 min|Comedy, Drama Edit pageAdd to list Track Otto is a grump who's given up on life following the loss of his wife and wants to end it all. When a young family moves in nearby, he meets his match in quick-witted Marisol, leading to a friendshi...
Based on the # 1 New York Times bestseller “A Man Called Ove,” A Man Called Otto tells the story of Otto Anderson (Tom Hanks), a grump who no longer sees purpose in his life following the loss of his wife. Otto is ready to end it all, but his plans are interrupted when a liv...
Français (France) Deutsch (Deutschland) हिंदी (भारत) Italiano (Italia) Português (Brasil) Español (España) Español (México) A Man Called Otto(2022) Showing all 2 items Jump to: Photos(2) Photos See also ...
Otto has a flashback to his graduation when he asked Sonya to marry him. During a suicide attempt by train, an old man faints and falls forward onto the railroad tracks. Otto saves the man and the incident goes viral and he is saved from an oncoming train by someone taking his hand fr...
今年贺岁档之中,外语片不多,其中由汤姆·汉克斯(Tom Hanks)主演的《生无可恋的奥托》(A Man Called Otto)就是其中之一。 故事表面上讲一个凡事厌烦的中年老头,后来却因遇上新邻居而软化,是一出笑中有泪的暖心喜剧。 加上由影帝汤姆·汉克斯主演的作品必有保证,善良而富人情味,属今个新年很适合一家大小观...
A_Man_Called_Otto_生无可恋的奥托 Movie & Melody /影音室 生无可恋的奥托
drama A Man Called Ove. The American version sees Tom Hanks as the curmudgeon lead character. Otto (Hanks) is a widower who’s forced to take early retirement. He has a reputation as being a grumpy and confrontational man who enforces his strict standards on his neighbours. However, […]...