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Brazil, between 2005 and 2007. A historical cohort of 3,543 patients submitted to orthopedic surgical procedures. A descriptive analysis was conducted and surgical site infection incidence rates were estimated. To verify the association between
Odéjobí, O.A., Beaumont, A.J., Wong, S.H.S.: A computational model of intonation for Yorùbá text-to-speech synthesis: design and analysis. In: Sojka, P., Kopeček, I., Pala, K. (eds.) TSD 2004. LNCS (LNAI), vol. 3206, pp. 409–416. Springer, Heidelberg (2004)...
Cáncer. Factores de riesgo. Estudio de cohortes. España., Artículobackground: the drece iii study is based on the follow up of a cohort representative of the spanish general population. the mortality, its main causes and relevant risk factors have been analyzed. methods: the drece ...
- G1 Troca Número - Nono Dígito更新内容 1.2✓ Adicionado botão para desfazer alterações✓ Consertado bugs menores1.1.1✓ Consertado sistema de SMS1.1✓ Adicionado suporte a outros DDDs✓ Consertado bugs menores 更多 网友评论更多 下载豌豆荚,参与网友评论互动...
根据汉语拼音写出汉字。①脉luò(___) ②和mù(___)③力挽狂lán(___) ④炉火chún(___)青。
根据拼音用正楷写出相应的汉字。(1)风mǐ___ zào___ 动 含辛rú___ 苦 金bì___辉煌(2)岁月如梭,初一转瞬即逝,再也不会像刚进校那样,以好奇的眼光duānxiáng___着
chemometricscalibrationspectrophotometryAn improvement in the way to locate linear spectral intervals for unknown interferents which overlap the analyte signal in UV鈥搗isible spectrophotometry is offered as an alternative to the method previously described by Camp铆ns-Falc贸 et al. (Anal. Chim. ...
Sanz, G. Pico, J. Gomez-Rodrigo, J. Pasquau, and J. Alvar. Treatment of visceral leishmaniasis in HIV-infected patients: a randomized trial comparing meglumine antimoniate with amphotericin B. AIDS 1999; 13:1063-1069.Laguna, F., et al. (1999). Treatment of visceral leishmaniasis in ...
This article has no associated abstract. ( fix it )Marian ZervanVratislav ZervanFilozofia