He once attended a meeting in which he was the shortest man present."DoctorHolmes,"jokeda friend."I should think you would feel rather small among us big fellows.""I do,"smiled Holmes."I feel like a dime(一角硬币)among...
【题目】 My d a d lov e d pennies , especially thos e with th e elegant stalk(茎) of wheat curvin g aroun d each si d e of th e ONE CENT on the back. T hos e wer e th e pennies h e grew up with during th e Depression.As a ki d , I woul d go for walks with...
She wasn't expecting a huge response, but 700,000 pennies later, she's now sent over 120 girls to school. When we spoke last week, she told me she's become a little infamous at the local bank every time she rocks up with a shopping cart full of pennies. Now -- Davinia is not a...
When we spoke last week, she told me she's become a little infamous at the local bank every time she rocks up with a shopping cart full of pennies. 当我们上周聊天的时候,她告诉我在她每一次冷不丁地推着满满一购物车的便士钢镚到本地银行的时候,她就会变得有点不受欢迎。 rock up 迟到; 悄然...
That's when she got active on social media and started to collect pennies -- a lot of pennies.那时,她在社交媒体上活跃起来,开始收集便士——很多便士。 Now, maybe that doesn't sound like a lot toyou. How will that achieve anything? Well, it achieved a lot because she wasn't alone. 也...
proverbEvery small amount helps to build one's savings (i.e. by saving a penny, you have one more penny).I'm trying not to spend much money right now because, you know what they say, a penny saved is a penny earned.I know that a penny saved is a penny earned, but, unfortunately...
As folks who adore presentation and like saving a few pennies here and there, we have also found use for Benedictine in a couple of our originals: the Sleepy Resurrection and Nicholas Sage. Classics Poet's Dream london dry gin, dry vermouth, benedictine Chrysanthemum dry vermouth, benedictine,...
This article offers statistics on the amount of low-dollar contributions to the campaigns of 2008 U.S. presidential candidates Senator Barack Obama, Senator Hillary Clinton, and Senator John McCain.Halperin, MarkTime
阅读理解Have you ever paid for something with a lot of coins? Don't try that in Canada! In Canada, it is illegal(不合法的) to use more than 25 pennies(一分钱硬币) to pay for something.Although one-cent coins are still legal to use, the Canadian government stopped making them-mainly ...
When we spoke last week, she told me she's become a little infamous at the local bank every time she rocks up with a shopping cart full of pennies. Now -- Davinia is not alone. Far from it. She's part of a growing movement. And there's a name for people like Davinia: global ...