4 INT. DATSUN 4 Chris is holding a book from which he reads aloud the LAST LINE OF THE POEM... CHRIS I say...Do what you are going to do, and I will tell about it. CARINE Who wrote that? CHRIS Well, it could’ve been either one of us, couldn’t it? He hands a book of...
As the most repeated lines in the poem, these two lines indicate the poet's love for his mother in a straightforward way. It is an ode to his mother by using an analogy that offspring are like grass, while mothers are like the warm sun in spri...
T.S. Eliot's narrative poem "The Journey of the Magi" is presented to be disturbing with one of the magi recalling the trip as grim and unsettling.KielyProfessorRobertProfessorCommonweal
I'm a bit of a writer myself. The BOATMAN produces his memoirs in manuscript. BOATMAN (CONT'D) It wouldn't take you long to read it, I expect you know all the booksellers . . . But WILL has gone. EXT. DE LESSEPSES' GARDEN. NIGHT...
Morice, David
a grass heaven a great astronaut a great faith a great gulf fixed a great poem is a fou a great read merles d a great treasure a great variety a great variety of di a greek-chinese lexic a grim smile a ground where ball g a group marriage cere a gyma workout room a halt emulsifi...
“the most perfect brief poem in the language”. 用美国英语写作的最完美的短诗。主题是the importance of struggling, of fighting against difficulties and harshness. 正如上帝指引了水鸟夏季的迁徙之路,诗歌也透露着一种指引读者跨过阻碍到达目的地的意味。水鸟的家园多认为是人类天堂的象征。
a good bitmap operati a good bood is a good a good death a good game ah try to a good journey a good marksman may m a good optimizer a good recommendation a good season a good service a good teacher hairdr a good team player an a good time a good voting system a good practical...
So we'll go no more a-roving 好吧 我们不再一起漫游 So we'll go no more a-roving 好吧,我们不再一起漫游 So late into the night 消磨这幽深的夜晚 Though the heart still be as loving 尽管这颗心仍旧迷恋 And the moon still ...
4.Life is a long journey. Meera, sometimes you will feel you are less. Kevin, sometimes you will also feel you are less than Meera. Try to help each other to feel equal. It will be nice. 5.Sometimes married couples don't even know how the other is feeling. So ... how will they...