报错: Alockfile already existsinthe repository,which blocksthisoperationfromcompleting. 翻译: 存储库中已存在一个锁定文件,该文件会阻止此操作完成。 解决办法 在你的项目文件夹下找到git文件夹,然后删除git文件夹下的index.lock的文件即可
删除工程目录下的 .git\index.lock 文件
解决方案: On linux/unix/gitbash/cygwin, try rm-f .git/index.lock On Windows Command Prompt, try: del .git\index.lock
Github bug: a lock file already exists in the repository,解决方案:Onlinux/unix/gitbash/cygwin,tryrm-f.git/index.lockOnWindowsCommandPrompt,try:del.git\index.lock...
have to close all Github related first then delete the index.lock. WORKS!!! still worked without closing it 👍 1 superflashilandia commented Jun 16, 2020 index.lock in located in the directory where u have the project for me it is htdocs/.git/index.lock Thank you!!! Problem so...
Description Ive created a new repository with github desktop( i couldnt add local repository for some reason) in my small react app. When i want to commit i get the error message :A lock file already exists in the repository, which block...
The repository must also contain a dependency manifest or lock file for each of these package managers. If you want to enable vendoring for a package manager that supports it, the vendored dependencies must be located in the required directory. For more information, see vend...
Create a New Repository 1.Select Start > Programs > Oracle Business Intelligence > BI Administration to open the Administration Tool.2.Select File > New Repository.3. Enter a name for the repository. In this tutorial the repository name is BISAMPLE....
# add repository sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo # make cache sudo yum makecache fast # install the latest stable version of docker sudo yum install -y docker-ce # start deamon and enable auto start when power on ...
The Project Import tool will attempt to map the data in your backup file into your target Jira instance. If the project you are restoring does not exist in your target Jira instance, it will create and populate the project with data from your backup. If the project already exists and is ...