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A Little Too Much - Shawn Mendes She would not show that she was afraid But being and feeling alone was too much to face Though everyone said that she was so strong What they didn t know is that she could barely carry on But she knew that she would be okay So she didn t let it...
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[ShawnMendes]Shawn Mendes - A Little Too Much (Audio) 是在优酷播出的音乐高清视频,于2015-02-23 20:41:23上线。视频内容简介:[ShawnMendes]Shawn Mendes - A Little Too Much (Audio)
酷狗音乐为您提供由Shawn Mendes演唱的高清音质无损A Little Too Muchmp3在线听,听A Little Too Much,只来酷狗音乐!
Shawn Mendes A Little Too Much Capo 4 [Intro] Em G Cadd9 [Verse 1] Em G Cadd9 She would not show that she was afraid Em G Cadd9 But being and feeling alone was too much to face Em G Cadd9 Though everyone said that she was so strong ...
歌手:Shawn Mendes A Little Too Much - Shawn Mendes (肖恩·蒙德兹) She would not show that she was afraid But being and feeling alone was too much to face Though everyone said that she was so strong What they didn't know is that she could barely carry on ...
但是你要知道迷雾很快就会烟消云散And you don't have to be afraid, because we're all the same所以你不要害怕,因为我们都一样And we know that sometimes it all gets a little too much我们都会遇到这种妨碍人生成长的挫折翻译by Joyce.A.LeeShawnMendes百度贴吧...
>>To A.R.M.Y 科普贴 Shawn Mendes,昵称“萌德”,1998年8月8日生人,出生于加拿大安大略省多伦多市。只有19岁的他已经在欧美乐坛闯出了属于自己的一片天,首专《Handwritten》二专《Illuminate》均拿下公告牌专...