51:64 Här slutar Jeremias ord Kapitel 52 är en epilog hämtad från slutet av Andra Kungaboken (2 Kung 24:18f). Jeremiah 46-51 New International Version A Message About Egypt 46 This is the word of the Lord that came to Jeremiah the prophet concerning the nations: 2 Conc...
Thus, to most ontologists, logic does not seem to be a serious discipline, although they concede that it provides (hélas!) some practical results for computer science. On the other hand, ontology is merely nonsense in the estimation of many logicians. It is little wonder that such scholars...
The Spanish used the fort as apolvorista(“little fortress” orgunpowder magazineto safely store gunpowder) known asFuerte de Polverina. On September 26, 1762, during theSeven Years’ War, it was captured byBritishforces under Rear-AdmiralSamuel Cornishand Brigadier-GeneralWilliam Draperwhen they ...
Only 2 left in stock - order soon. If the history of the Near East has always seemed a little daunting and confusing, this book by one of the best known writers on the subject should show you the light at the end of the tunnel. Beginning c.3000 BC with the advent of the first wri...
But the Council of the Realm remained committed to Erik III, even though he him-self did little to justify it.61Despite having issued the provisional letter of deposition,62they withdrew their support only hesitantly, even after Erik’s position of power hadbecome almost desperate due to the ...
The Iron Age samples (2604, 2611) were characterized by a predominance of cereal remains from barley (Hordeum vulgare), spelt (Triticum spelta), millets (P. miliaceum, Setaria italica), and a little emmer (T. dicoccum). Furthermore, in sample 2611, testa remains of broad beans (Vicia ...
How have power complexes been able to exercise agential power within and through time-space-specific power structures? 2. Which actors are dominant in today’s power complexes, and why? 3. What are their key strategies? 4. What are the implications and challenges for realising a wellbeing eco...
Of little interest or value to anyone else, it has sentimental value for me as my first published article. 'Great Carthage...' ... Although set out as a poem, this actually comes from an 'Open Letter To German Artists and Writers' written in September 1951, which passionately endorses ...
There are some good scenes and reappearances of old characters in Rise of the King, and a few cases where the resolution turns out as a mild surprise。 However, I do find myself agreeing with reviews that mention Salvatore is becoming predictable and the books a little repetitive。 However,...
FromtheNewKingdomto theLatePeriod(c. 1500–332BCE),Egyptiankingswereburiedelsewhere,butSaqqararemainedan importantculticareaandnu-merousmonumentaltombs,funerarytemplesandshrineswere builtthereuntiltheendof ancientEgyptianhistory.Yet we stillknowlittleabouthowpeopledealtwithorganisedreligionin daytoday practiceand...