there are of course the negative traits that we all have as well. We will take you through some of the most common negative traits of character and give you a comprehensive list of the same.
The Identity scale, made up of the Assertive and Turbulent personality traits, affects all other scales and indicates how confident we are in our abilities and decisions. Identity triggers the way we react to the things life constantly throws at us. How do we respond to success and failure?
Despite the high prevalence of neurodevelopmental disorders, the influence of maternal diet during pregnancy on child neurodevelopment remains understudied. Here we show that a western dietary pattern during pregnancy is associated with child neurodevelopmental disorders. We analyse self-reported maternal dieta...
One of the fundamental questions about human language is whether all languages are equally complex. Here, we approach this question from an information-theoretic perspective. We present a large scale quantitative cross-linguistic analysis of written language by training a language model on more than ...
Here is a simple graph of a dramatic arc that Kurt Vonnnegut describes as “Man in a Hole”: The x-axis of the graph describes the chronology of the narrative and the y-axis describes the positive or negative value the main character experiences. ...
has secured a "complete victory" in its fight against poverty, with the final 98.99 million impoverished rural residents living under the current poverty line having all been lifted out of poverty, and all 832 impoverished counties and 128,000 villages having been removed from the poverty list. ...
This study is linked to previous research that approaches organisations as systems of shared meaning where ignorance is created and sustained, either unint
Encourage them to beforward-focusedand inspire them to put their energy into areas of their life where they experience more control, like this: There are some aspects of our life that we have no control over, but there are plenty of areas where we have full agency. Let’s list some exam...
Little research has yet explored the impact of (re)translation on narrative characterization, that is, on the process through which the various actors depicted in a narrative are attributed particular traits and qualities. Moreover, the few studies that
(Allp-values < 0.001, Cohen’sd > 0.2). Social anxiety, FoMO, and two factors of authenticity (i.e., self-alienation and accepting external influence) had a positive relationship with GD, while resilience, authentic living, and family closeness had a negative relationship with GD (...