More Fronted Adverbials Here are some more examples of fronted adverbial phrases and clauses with different types of adverbs. Adverbs of Time When the cake is brown, remove it from the oven. Every two minutes, check the pressure gauge. ("Every two minutes" is an adverb of frequency, which...
Another permutation of the grid-based game template would be integrating word stress instead of rhymes. I’m currently trying to get a good dataset containing word stress information for all the words in the Academic Word List (Coxhead, 2000), which I suppose is a bit dated now as a corpus...
CHAPTERNINE: MovableModifiers Inthelasteightchapterswehaveexaminedtwogeneraltypesof syntacticrelationships:subject-verb-complementstructuresand structuresofmodification.Asexamplesofthefirst,wetalkedabout thekindsofwordsthatmayfunctionassubjectsandcomplements, andwenoticedvariouscomplements: 9.1Thebarrelisempty.(subject-...
In this subsection, we discuss a variety of elements that are found within VP*. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list, but it is illustrative of the kinds of elements that are part of the small predicate phrase VP*. In Section 2.2.1, we discuss the low adverbial modifiers (menti...