To make things a little clearer for you, here is a list of proper nouns categories. Holidays:Christmas, New Year’s Day, Hanukkah, Thanksgiving Geographical areas:San Francisco, Europe, Spain, the Nile River People and pets:Mrs. Caroline Jones, Rip Van Winkle, Snoopy ...
A word that represents an idea, a state, or an intangible concept is called an abstract noun.Abstract nouns are things that cannot be seen or touched physically but are present as feelings or emotions. Abstract nouns refer to things that are intangible and exist as feelings, thoughts, and id...
What are nouns? (List of Compound Nouns) 6. Countable Vs. Uncountable Nouns: Countable (or Count) nounshave a singular and a plural form. In the plural, these nouns can be used with a number- they can be counted. (e.g.,friends, chairs, houses, boys, etc.) We can also addthe in...
List of singular nouns Many of the other types of nouns can also be singular nouns. Let’s look at some examples of different types of nouns used as singular nouns. Common nouns: kangaroo, clock, banana, backyard, baseball, toy Proper nouns: Abraham Lincoln, Texas, Nintendo, Buddhism Concre...
a smile a laugh every a snowboard a snug apartment a social worker walks a socilalist democrac a soft a sole proprietorship a song and dance act a song for arbonne a song of the princes a soul at night a sound detection sys a sound of thun a speak softly love - a special agency a...
armaturepaper armature stamping armlak armored chain conveyo armored glass ballist armoured glass armouring arm s-length price arm spool pin army paper arne aromatic polyamide around table a roved color standar a roved our product arp aromatic polyeste arr arrangement card arma arrangement exerspite ar...
The Abstract State Nouns: A Lexicographic Approachnom abstraitetatprefixesuffixederivationcompositionMicu,Corina Silvia
12.There are many expressions in language which are metalingual or self-reflexives,namely,talking about talk and think about thinking,for instance,to be honest,to make a long story short,come to think of it,on second thought,can you collect a few more to make a list of these expressions?
List of countable nouns Many different people, places, and things are referred to usingcountable nouns.Check out all of the many different things we can refer to withcountable nouns: ambulance, baskets, cranberries, doors, ear, fingers, ghost, hats, ice cube, jackets, key, lemons, mummy, no...
activelist feature actively develop new actively mode-locked actively promote new actively seeking part activelyandprudentlyt activeness activeremedy activeresistance activeresorption activeshade function activewear activex activex activebusiness activities at the bir activities sent activity ambit activity antipode...