Moreover, if this sample were production code, I would, of course, have to expose the provisioning endpoint via HTTPS to protect the secret key as it’s returned to the device. What now? Well, “what now” is ultimately about making the right trade-offs, and this d...
To log network activity events, chooseNetwork activity events. Network activity events enable VPC endpoint owners to record AWS API calls made using their VPC endpoints from a private VPC to the AWS service. Additional charges apply for logging network activity events. For more informat...
dockerRegistryEndpoint specifies the name of the Azure Container Registry Services connection. azureSubscriptionConnection specifies the name of the ARM Services connection. azureResourceGroup specifies the name of your resource group. kubernetesCluster specifies the name of your AKS cluster. namespace speci...
Connection points become visible when you try to connect one shape to another. You see a shape’s connection points when you hover near the shape with the Connector Tool or drag the endpoint of any connector or line near a shape that has connection points. Note: Connection p...
"has_more":false, "data":[ { "id":"cus_NeGfPRiPKxeBi1", "object":"customer", "address":null, "balance":0, "created":1680569616, "currency":null, "default_source":null, "delinquent":false, "description":null, "discount":null, ...
exactly one subelement is required Obtains an exclusive lock when the data is loaded. check-all-at-commit This element is not implemented. Do not use. lock-when-modified This element is not implemented. Do not use. check-version-of-accessed-instances exactly one subelement is require...
Information on one or multiple endpoints from one or more existing NFs can be used to predict the same endpoint(s) for a similar NF, if proposed for the same use. This can inform the need for additional studies, risk management measures, or communication on potential safety issues along the...
3. The FOLDUP function is for commands entered from a command line. It has no effect on commands that are invoked in a procedure (for example command list, REXX, PL/1, or C). 20 IBM Z NetView: Command Reference Volume 1 (A-N) CMDSYN=(csyn) Specifies another 1 - 8 character ...
The root password must be exactlyDocker!as it's used by App Service to let you access the SSH session with the container. This configuration doesn't allow external connections to the container. Port 2222 of the container is accessible only within the bridge network of a private virtual network...
In the examples, notice that the shared key is exactly the same. The shared key must always match. Be sure to replace the values in these examples with the exact names for your VNets and Local Network Sites. Create the TestVNet1 to TestVNet4 connection. Make sure to change the values...