- Build knowledge and understanding of key concepts in a contemporary context, including globalisation and the digital social world - Engaging activities develop essential sociological skills - Practice and extension exercises reinforce learning and prepare students for their examsNigel Wooldridge...
These new editions, written by a best-selling team of experienced teachers and examiners, have been fully revised and updated to match the new OCR specification and include many new features tailored to the needs of A-level students. / Even more exam support: practice questions, student answers...
美国:美国一些顶级大学需要SAT成绩,但也有部分大学接受A-level成绩,而且A-level成绩在美国大学可以兑换学分 适用对象 A-Level课程适用于年龄在15—18之间,初中毕业以上的在校中学生或具有同等学历的职高生,通常国内A-level学校招收的是高二毕业的学生,并要求参加相关的入学考试,由于A-level课程包括教学及试卷习题等都是...
Do you want to improve your grades inA level Maths, Chemistry, Psychology, Sociology, Geography, or Economics? -One-to-one tuition by highly experienced A level teachers. , I also offer weekly hour long classes (£45) for AQA and OCR A students, with different groups focused on each boa...
You're not alone, plenty of students struggle with A Levels, but you can always ask for help or you can use some past papers to revise. You can also look up some helpful how-to-videos and articles as well. You will be able to find plenty of articles like how to write essays: a ...
You can also check out discipline specific hash tags, such as #anthropology, #sociology, #law or #economics. In these feeds, you’ll also find links to a lot of resources on academic writing, how to use social media to promote your research, how to maximise the impact of your work, an...
A few years ago, when hopes to leverage technology to build a more humane “sharing” economy had not yet completely vanished, it was often believed that the most interesting policy experiments were to be found at the local level of cities, not states. One of those was the urban-planning ...
And the plan of reform, in politics, sociology or what not, is simply beyond the pale of reason; no change in it or improvement of it will ever make it achieve the impossible. Here, precisely, is what is the matter with most of the notions that go floating about the country, ...
This is rich, rewarding stuff, popular-level but not too sentimental. It’s solid teaching, informed by good scholarship. I appreciated the final postscript (yes, I jumped ahead) called “Judgement Day and the second Advent.” Prepare, indeed. In each of the gospels, the story of Jesus ...
Ponerologyinvolves very practical and important applications of scientific information from a variety of fields, including biology, psychology and sociology. As such, it is very fitting and beneficial for our educational systems to teach, in age-appropriate ways, about pathologies and their potential ...