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"In the same way, when Singaporeans appear to clamour for more money with each Budget, it’s perhaps not so much a desire for the thing itself but the changes it can effect... [and] on an organisational level, maybe it’s more bandwidth for SmartGuppy’s servers so that they can pr...
Most studies focused on religion or religiosity and only 7 % involved interventions. Among the 43 publications that met these criteria, thirty-one (72.1 %) found a relationship between level of religious/spiritual involvement and less mental disorder (positive), eight (18.6 %) found ...
However, the validity of such a conclusion ultimately rests on a ceteris paribus assumption: do all participants share the same level of individual language proficiency, is the selected text representative for the I different languages or are there potential language-specific characteristics, or ...
I taught university level courses in sociology and criminal justice for over 30 years but now I'm retired and at 72 was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, bone marrow cancer. This site is now a chronicle of my journey with myeloma.
Chatbots hold the promise of revolutionizing education by engaging learners, personalizing learning activities, supporting educators, and developing deep i
Discussion Nearly one-third of families in this sample plan to definitely or probably keep their child home in fall 2020, highlighting the reality that while policy decisions about opening schools are made at the community and state level, families are separately making their own decisions. Given ...
Substantial research on the topic of cultural heritage has been conducted over the past two decades. At the same time, the overall output volume of journals and citation metrics have become important parameters in assessing and ranking researchers’ perf
25 INT. DONG-IK’S CAR - DRIVING - NIGHT Dong-Ik is going through some papers in the back when one drops under the seat. As he reaches down to grab it -- He sees a vague WHITE SHAPE beneath the passenger seat. He picks it up. A pair of women’s underwear. Ki-Jung’s. ...
you’re being carried along, feeling like you’re drowning in it. What I think really good journalism can do is to act as a rock in the middle of that fast flow to give people stable ground where they can stand and observe what is moving past them without being carried along by it....