英国A-level物理简明教材100英国A-Leve课本 热度: GCE ASandALevelSpecification PsychologyA ForexamsfromJune2014onwards ForcertificationfromJune2014onwards GCEPsychologyAforexamsfromJune2014onwards(version1.1) 1 1Introduction2 1.1WhychooseAQA?2 1.2WhychoosePsychologyA?2 ...
A Level Psychology (AQA Specification) resources made by a current examiner with a track record of helping to facilitate outstanding results. The topic boo...
This is the only textbook that fully supports the Oxford AQA International A Level Psychology specification (9685), for first teaching from September 2018. It offers students a stimulating, effective, introduction to A Level Psychology, in a global context. Exploring interesting topics, including the...
7心理学(Psychology) 心理学可能有点怪,但实际上也很难,隐藏的写作量特别大,这往往是大家始料未及的。A-level心理学跟GCSE英语很像,必须能够在很短的时间内写很多东西。感觉自己不太行,建议不要尝试。A-level心理学的难点还在于既涉及英语也涉及科学,需要记住信息的能力,也要有独立完成作业等其他能力。 A-level...
A-LEVEL ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE A SPECIFICATION - AQA 星级: 29 页 A-LEVEL ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE B SPECIFICATION - AQA 星级: 33 页 A-level Classical Civilisation Specification Specification for - AQAA级古典文明规范规范- AQA 星级: 37 页 Psychology (Specification B) - AQA ...
Helping AQA Psychology A Level students achieve the grades they deserve. Complimentary resources to help you get the Psychology A Level results you deserve. AQA revision notes, revision cards, practice papers and revision workbooks to test your knowledge
AQA AS and A-level Biology Specification说明书
Psychology for A2 level for AQA A. 4th ed This best-selling textbook has been fully revised in line with the new AQA (A) specification for A2 Level, which will be taught for the first time from Sep... M Cardwell,L Clark,C Meldrum,... 被引量: 0发表: 2009年 Psychology: a new int...
牛津AQA A-level每一个学科比例换算是是有一点点的不太一样的,但是大的原则是AS占比最后总分的40%,A2占60%,每个单元分的占比会有区别,绝大多数的时候,就相当于是AS的两张卷,大概率是会相同分数,然后A2的试卷,就是会有差异,具体的...
A-level在牛津AQA考试局,每一个学科的比例换算有点不太一样。总的原则还是AS占比最后总分的40%,A2占60%,只是每个单元的分数占比会有区别。具体的学科占比要去考纲Specification确认。 课程大纲会有各个部分占比是多少,每张卷子的换...