These solutions make sense for addressing the issues that got us to this point, but the more I’ve thought about and talked to others about them, the more it became clear that some may unintentionally create another problem along the way, which is to “crowd out” some research questions a...
In the present study, the following research questions were addressed: 2. Methods 2.1. Context The present study was conducted in Finland, where compulsory schooling comprises one year of pre-primary education (children start in August of the year in which they turn six years of age) and nine...
The face-work concept was found to be applicable at an overall level, while Goffman’s original categories of face-work did not fit the material. In the second phase, the selected feedback sequences were initial coded (Braun & Clarke, 2012), within the framework of face-work strategy as ...
Two central questions arise regarding the study of evidentials in embedded attitude contexts: (1) What is the scope of the evidential? In other words, is the prejacent constituted by the matrix proposition or by the embedded proposition? (2) What is the orientation of the evidential? In othe... AMA Style Thaivalappil A, Stringer J, Burnett A, Papadopoulos A. Institutional Factors Affecting Postsecondary Student Mental Wellbeing: A Scoping Review of the Canadian Literature. Psych. 2023; 5(3):630-649. ...
I’m almost certain that the verbal will go down next year as it seems a bit unreasonable and only to phase out the old mcat, but I’m worried that with a score of 126 in psych, I’m being held back. Currently my GPA is around 3.9 and my ECs aren’t the best (working on it...
19 Communication Model Analytical Model One of the principal questions this work attempts to address is whether the communication inherently stable or not. In other words, do occasional deviations from the chosen communication strategy dramatically change long-term relation- ships between the users, or...
To test whether procrastination could be explained by the differential temporal discounting of reward and effort, we regressed across participants the level of procrastination observed in the ‘now/tomorrow’ choice task, defined as the selection frequency of ‘tomorrow’ options (Fig. 4c), against ...
(Yes/No) to questions corresponding to each A for physical activity, such as “Did your doctor advise you to become more physically active?”, “Did your doctor discuss difficult situations you might encounter or problems you might have in trying to become more physically active?”, and “...
psych “Among laboring men and servant girls there are thousands like them [feebleminded individuals]. They are the world’s “hewers of wood and drawers of water.” And yet, as far as intelligence is concerned, the tests have told the truth. … No amount of school instruction will ever ...