CIE A-level心理学分成四套考卷:Paper 1 Approaches, issues and debatesPaper 2 ResearchmethodsPaper 3 Specialistoptions: theoryPaper 4 Specialistoptions: application 关于A-level心理学写作 提前给文章梳理一个大纲,把要点单独列出来,思考如何把它们组合在一起才能使行文逻辑清晰、思路连贯。对于研究,无论是支持还...
Psych Boost是YouTube上一个很棒的频道,涵盖了主要课程内容、研究、统计以及如何回答考试问题等方面,对提升主题理解很有帮助。 4️⃣关注案例研究 A-level和GCSE心理学都涉及到很多案例研究。对于每项研究要记住的关键信息包括: 日期、作者、目标、研究方法、结果、结论。 如果时间不够用,或者感觉记不住,那就把...
Historically, the field of psychology has focused on racial biases at an individual level, considering the effects of various stimuli on individual racial attitudes and biases. This approach has provided valuable information, but not enough focus has been placed on the systemic nature of racial biase...
Psych Revise contains multiple-choice questions for all A level psychology specifications and some degree modules. 100s of questions on memory, attachment, research methods, stress, social influence, explaining mental disorders, inferential statistics, treating mental disorders, approaches to psychology. Id...
art personality psych art present art production art reality arts art show arts integration arts of novel arts of talking and s art style art technique art thinking characte art value artwork aryballoi aryballoid aryballos aryballus as a resultof a severed head a sociology of novels a speeder...
Data analysis and computations may also be easier, especially in fields that apply machine learning approaches to music emotion recognition. For instance, in a very simple categorical model that uses the two categories “happy” and “sad”, the chances of randomly guessing the correct emotion in...
“clinical and therapeutical” approach. The objective of this article is to propose a theoretical review of the literature, aiming at understanding the notion of psychological flexibility according to the different approaches. To do so, we propose a presentation of the notions, as well as ...
John Dewey, an early key theorist of reflective approaches to professional development, defines reflection as “active, persistent, and careful consideration of any belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the grounds that support it and the further conclusions to which it tends” (...
In any case, academic psychology has repeatedly proven its ability to incorporate new developments and approaches (e.g., neuroscience or research on digital media) into the canon of the discipline. Hence, there seems to be no a priori reason to assume that the same could not happen for ...
Commentators interested in the societal implications of automated decision-making often overlook how decisions are made in the technology’s absence.