Step 1.在学习A level的初期,当我们的知识还没有完善的时候,建议学弟学妹们完成书中相应的practice questions和summary questions对刚刚学过的知识点进行复习和巩固。推荐给大家一个刷题网站physicsandmathstutor, 这个网站上有questions by topics-(分模块的习题), 我们在也可以使用这些题目进行巩固与提高。 Step 2 ...
1、Kognity Kognity其实就是在线的教材,但是比传统的纸质教材的互动性更强,每个章节分得很细,有很多动画、视频等嵌入其中,每个topic末尾还会有几道practice question,让学生可以更好地理解知识点。IB学习最热门的网站之一!门类齐全,排版清晰,各学习阶段均可使用! 2、IB Documents 免费的IB课程资料库,资料齐全,支持免...
比起那些原创独立网课平台来,Hippocampus更像是一个目前所有英语AP网课资源的大合集。 5、AP Practice Exams 非常简单方便的一个网站,包括有官方考试的整理,模拟考试的整理和每个单元的测试。亮点在于每个学科都有Course Review,每个单元都有知识点的笔记总结。 以上三大国际课程网站,先码住再说!当然在线学习网站再有用...
Try the freeMathway calculator and problem solverbelow to practice various math topics. Try the given examples, or type in your own problem and check your answer with the step-by-step explanations. We welcome your feedback, comments and questions about this site or page. Please submit your ...
Gratitude. Thanks, appreciating a practice. Appreciate. To be grateful for something that somebody has. Verbal. Smoking not right. A good turn, something that helps somebody. Before you listen to the passage, read the questions, listen and find out the cons answer. In what kind of situation...
Their 16 tothequestionsreflectedtheirtrue 17 that“Icanseeyouonlyifyoucanseeme, too.”Theysimply 18 mutual(相互的)recognitionandregard.Our 19 suggestwhenachild “hides”byputtingablanketoverherhead,itisnota resultofegocentrism.Infact,childrenconsiderthis method 20 whenothersuseit. 1.A.following B.taking...
Additionally, this provides preservice teachers with a strong rationale for adopting learner-centered approaches that provide students opportunities to pose the questions for investigation, as opposed to the teacher doing so. We believe this activity supports both learning n...
3、Make sure that the core practicals are covered thoroughly; there are usually recall questions asking for details of these practicals. 核心的practicals需要彻底的掌握。 4、Practice using equations to determine the area of a circle and the volume of a sphere and extend this practice to correct...
Learn all about the OLSAT Level A. Find useful information about the content, format, and history of the test, as well as practice tests and sample questions.
AnalystNotes: Get the Level I online package for only $59 (15% off). It contains study notes, thousands of practice questions and 5 sets of practice papers. Superb value for money. Just register first, then proceed to “Order” to purchase. Finance Train: Get 1 set of practice exam fo...