and yesterday she resigned from her job because the powers-that-be atThe Postattempted to stifle her voice. I applaud this woman for standing up for what is right, for standing up for afree and responsiblepress. Here is her essay explaining the situation … ...
The court categorically held that the Muslim students are entitled to offer obligatory prayers within the premises of the school, that their rights are protected under Article 32 of the Kenyan Constitution, and are available even against the school, which is a private institution. In this essay,...
Today we have identity politics of aggressively competing victimhood, in which groups of people, based on religious, national, ethnic, sexual, or whatever else identity they chose, demand to have their victimhood status recognized and something done about it. Populists like Donald Trump, Marine Le...
(s) why, after 14 years of Conservative financial austerity, a former one-sided coalition with the Liberal Democrats, responsibility for Brexit, five failed leaders, lies, misinformation, mistakes on a monumental scale, and a move towards the right wing of British politics, the UK is in such...
I don’t think I have ever lived through a period in American politics that felt like as much changed as fast. On Sunday, we got the news that Joe Biden was dropping out. I was on a plane that night. I feverishly wrote the audio essay that I then recorded Monday that came out ...
This essay alone is worth the price of the book and should be required reading in high school and college writing courses. From her recognition of what she doesn’t do well with thoughts on how to rewrite and overcome her own deficiencies, to writing prompts and rules (i.e. “Every ...
GIVE ME SHELTER…At left, Carol Aronovici’s companion book to the exhibition, with a cover image of the Siemensstadt Housing Development in Berlin, by Walter Gropius; above, excerpts from Lewis Mumford’s essay in the book; below, entrance to the exhibit. (MoMA) Mumford reviewed the exhi...
GIVE ME SHELTER…At left,Carol Aronovici’scompanion book to the exhibition, with a cover image of the Siemensstadt Housing Development in Berlin, byWalter Gropius; above, excerpts fromLewis Mumford’sessay in the book; below, entrance to the exhibit. (MoMA) ...
**There’sa truly bonkers essay by D.H. Lawrencein this issue called “On Being a Man.” It starts out with a racist account of sitting on a train with an African American man and segues into a discussion of why marriage is literally hell. ...