Due to the influence of bourgeois revolutions around the world, contemporary politics has transpired as the synopsis of governance of the established order. As the “governing strategies” of the established order encounter multiple social crises, the Marxist political science or Marxism has emerged as...
According to these Western ideologies, material conditions make up the main driver of a country's development. Therefore, a nation's strength is often measured by its economic power and military prowess. These theories also teach that a country's place in the global community is largely defined ...
Sex, Politics and Society (1981). A key text by Weeks. The social construction of sexuality Weeks argued that sexuality is as much about beliefs and ideologies as about the physical body. Three key beliefs and ideologies which construct sexuality are: Sexologyinvents the categories “homosexual” ...
As geneticists, we believe that there is an increasing need to address one of the more uncomfortable aspects of this connection, where in the words of American Society of Human Genetics “the invocation of genetics to promote racist ideologies is one of many factors causing racism to persist” ...
Beliefs in hostile conspiracies against ‘Western civilisation’ or ‘white people’ play a key role in tying divergent far-right trope
The Blog of Ian Pace, pianist, musicologist, political animal. A place for thoughts, reflections, links, both trivial and not so trivial. Main website is at http://www.ianpace.com . Contact e-mail ian@ianpace.com.
For Reiner, who is not a Christian, Christian nationalism is equivalent to Christian involvement in politics. For the Marxist progressives of the American Left, “Christian nationalism” is simply a tool that they can use to draw lines against political action by those who oppose their agenda. ...
Höch was deeply aware of the changes women were facing on a social and individual level in the postwar period,17 and one of her central concerns was to visually represent such a shift: female cyborgs ultimately became much more prevalent in her art. The dada roots of the posthuman are ...
Therefore, it appears crucial to investigate how ideologies help resist dominant institutional patterns and preserve alternative organizations’ distinctiveness over time, and in particular how such ideologies emerge and endure through time. This chapter thus addresses the following research question:How is ...
The system we ask for on the above basis – MORALITY and JUSTICE (taking roots in economics, politics, and social life) can be termed – PEOPLISM. Let us LEAP towards that PEOPLISM with faith and determination. old codger/March 16, 2024 ...