在第一部分中我们已经介绍过A1物理的考试分值分布了,其中Structured Questions,也就是大题部分,占到46%,也就是同学们最需要争分的部分,而且大题部分难度不高,只要同学们知识点学的足够清楚,绝对是可以拿到90%以上的分数的;而选择部分普遍难度较大,题目也灵活,时间还紧,所以只需要把简单考察概念的题目全部部答对,...
在第一部分中我们已经介绍过A1物理的考试分值分布了,其中Structured Questions,也就是大题部分,占到46%,也就是同学们最需要争分的部分,而且大题部分难度不高,只要同学们知识点学的足够清楚,绝对是可以拿到90%以上的分数的;而选择部分普遍难度较大,题目也灵活,时间还紧,所以只需要把简单考察概念的题目全部部答对,...
Include the absolute uncertainty in E. E = V [1] (e) (i) Using your answers to (a), (c)(iii) and (d), determine the value of K. Include an appropriate unit. K = [2] (ii) Determine the percentage uncertainty in K. percentage uncertainty = % [1] (f) Determine the angle ...
ahighleveloffinancialliteracyaremorelikelyto planfortheirretirement. 8 Onthecontrary,people whohavealower leveloffinancialliteracytendtoborrowmore,accumulatelesswealth,andpaymoreinfeesrelatedtofinancialproducts.Theyarelesslikelytoinvest,morelikelyto experience difficulty with debt,andlesslikelytoknowthetermsoftheir...
The measurements were repeated several times to find h , the mean value of h , and 2 2 ∆ , its uncertainty. h2 The student then focussed the microscope on the upper surface of the glass block and recorded h , the new vertical position of the microscope, as shown in Figure 3. 3 ...
PHYSICS9702/53 Paper5Planning,AnalysisandEvaluationMay/June2010 1hour15minutes CandidatesanswerontheQuestionPaper. NoAdditionalMaterialsarerequired. ForExaminer’sUse 1 2 Total * 4 5 3 0 3 3 9 8 1 8 * .a-level365 2 9702/53/M/J/10©UCLES2010 For Examiner’s Use 1Acurrentinaflatcircular...
a-level物理高三2014年1月试题 Turn over P43117RA ©2014 Pearson Education Ltd.6/6/6/6/6/6/5/ *P43117RA0116* Instructions t Use black ink or ball-point pen.t Fill in the boxes at the top of this page with your name,centre number and candidate number.t Answer all questions.t ...
3. 有效率的刷题:在整理,复习之后就到了做题了,我们可以通过questions by topic的方法去根据自己的需求做题。这里就不得不推荐save my exams这个网站了。Save my exam囊括了英国本土老师按照A-level大纲写的知识总结,按照知识点分类的习题集,和所有的past paper(往届...
This can be clearly seen in the upper panel of Figure 3, where the quasiprobability distribution of work 𝑃𝑊(𝑤,𝜏)PW(w,τ) of a two-level system is plotted. The Hamiltonians, drivings, and ancilla parameters are identical to those of Figure 2. Moreover, in both cases, the ...