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英国A-level物理简明教材100 英国A-Leve课本-Edexcel AS Physics in 100 Pages.pdf,Edexcel AS Physics in 100 Pages flÅj的ηWe\ Edexcel AS Physics in 100 Pages 一--an easy-to-understand textbook exam preparation guide 第3章 波. .. . . . 43 H 录表 … . . . .
Revision Express A-level Study Guide: Modern History Seymour,Mark,Nichols,... 被引量: 0发表: 0年 Doppler Ultrasound: Physics Instrumentation and Signal Processing (2nd Edition) This book is the second edition of a book that was regarded as one of the major contributions to the literature of... 2 Revision Maths 这个网站可以找到A-level或者GCSE的各科目的复习资料,可以注册一下,制定自己的复习计划,让复习进行得更加顺利!值得一提的事,这个网站最早是专做数学的,可以获得大量的A-L...
我后面网盘的资料包中也有ALevelMathsRevision的题目大家可以自行下载。 ✩✩✩ 资料所在位置为蓝色区域: A-level Physics 9702: 物理我的资料包里分享了A2阶段的章节练习题,比较实用,均为14-19题目的整理,全部做完我觉得最终考A*也比较有可能。还有定义的总结和背诵,大家自取吧。
for your AS physics courses. It is an excellent revision guide as well. The principles and terms are explained in very simple words and sentences. They are illustrated in the students’ point of view, rather in the physicists or teachers’ point of view. There ...
🌟 有很多A-Level Physics的视频教程,最大特点:能在5min的视频讲完1h的内容,这个网站适合复习的时候快速浏览知识点。 化学 Dynamic Periodic Table 🌟 Exciting Chemistry Experim...
If you’re a grad student here for six years, maybe you make sure that someone in their department can spend one-on-one time with that person” to support having multi-level support systems in place and increased transparency between mentors and their graduate students. This student shared ...
唯独A Level极度缺乏类似的资源。虽然Hodder和CUP都出版了和Coursebooks配套的revision guide,但是内容就和Coursebook一样鸡肋,还要另外购买。我认为这种现象一方面是因为考纲和考题的多变性,另一方面是A Level目前的定位并不是“自学”。 A Level理化生的考纲每隔几年就会有一次大的更新,有删减内容,也有增加内容。而在...