Paper 2给到3个选项,每个选项也是每年考试主题不同,根据大纲轮流。作答时间为1小时45分钟,满分60分。没有任何花哨的地方,考试形式就是命题作文。一般出题方式为:给一个观点,你在作文中讨论支持或不支持该观点;也有直接用”How far”或者“To what extent”提问,直接提问某一元素在事件中的重要性。考生需要...
和paper1只需要答一大题不同,以21年的sample paper为例,我们需要从1、2、3大题中选择任意2题作答。 American option: The history of the USA 1820-1941 美国史 ◾ 2023年考试主题: 🔹 The Great Crash, the Great Depression and the New Deal policies, 1920-1941 经济危机 🔹 The origins of the...
历史每一个模块需要阅读、掌握和背诵的各种信息非常非常多,如果不提前开始复习的话,在A-Level考试季很有可能应接不暇。 要在计划表上明确的是,你到底要复习哪几个章节。A-Level Paper 4只需要4选2,有些同学会战略性放弃复习一...
had his paranoid moments.这句话对苏联的评价已经带有相当明显的意识形态偏见。【
17/10/2022 Past Papers section is upgraded. 12/08/2022 May June 2022 and Feb March 2022 Past Papers are updated. ifanypaper paper is still missing, please report using theContact Us!tab. Free shipping for all orders over $200 Only in this week ...
A-Level课程全称:英国高中课程(General Certificate of Education Advanced Level ),它是英国的普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程,是英国的全民课程体系,也是英国学生的大学入学考试课程,就像我国的高考一样,A-Level课程证书被几乎所有英语授课的大学作为招收新生的入学标准。A-Level课程权威性得到了国际上的广泛认可。同时...
Document a piece of paper or a set of papers, counting officer Information, a computer file that you can write. Duplicated. The courtroom was. Think over. To consider a problem or decision carefully. Break down. To be out of order or to stop working. Pull talk. Breakdown truck. Put ...
leveloffinancialliteracytendtoborrowmore,accumulatelesswealth,andpaymoreinfeesrelatedtofinancialproducts.Theyarelesslikelytoinvest,morelikelyto experience difficulty with debt,andlesslikelytoknowthetermsoftheir mortgagesandotherloans.Thus,thecostofthis financialignoranceisveryhigh. 9 Whatisthesolution? 10 Likeread...
a work of art that ha a work of time a working stiff a world class photogr a world history a world trade organis a world wide consorti a wrong again wrong a wrong answer a wrong call a x wn l n e l p p pd a xxj station a year after getting a years plan starts w a yi xi...
like one who is appro like only a woman can like paper cuts like past events like pollution like pudong area like rock and roll like sanitation like satire like secret searchlig like she said like she wanted to like shock like sixty like small javelin like stanford like staph like strengthen...