网址: 推荐指数:★★★ 这个网站的学习资源只针对CAIE考试局,科目齐全,内容丰富,包括了IGCSE、A Level各个阶段的试题与答案,还提供了一些案例分析供同学参考。 网站的试卷更新速度比较快,但是科目分类有点混乱,同学们要有足够的耐心去寻找学习资料。 全科通用复习网站 1、 各类考...
一些大众学科的past paper还可以在一些专门的a level辅导网站上找到,比如https://www.physicsandmathstut...
笛思-留学生备考资源平台 CAIE IGCSE其他科目下载入口 这里涵盖的几...
Past papers和mark schemes一般都可以在考试局的官网上找到,不过要注意观察改版的时间,有一些古老的试卷可能已经跟现在的考纲差别很大了,可能并不值得去花时间做。一些大众学科的past paper还可以在一些专门的A-level辅导网站上找到,不过一些小众的学科还得要在官网上才能找到更完整的。 如果有的同学恰好碰到A-level改...
It's always a good idea to be contactable once A-level results come out, so try to avoid booking a holiday or going into work that day, particularly if you hold any conditional offers or you think you may have to go into Clearing. ...
at the operation stag at the part level at the part market at the rear there are at the tip of her ton at the tip of my tong at the working day at the wrong time at their command at their need at these databases at this amount at times bashful at twenty past six at what time ...
In this document, we survey hundreds of survey papers on Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML). We categorize these papers into popular topics and do simple counting for some interesting problems. In addition, we show the list of the papers with urls (813 papers). Categ...
According to the project’s repository, they incorporated several existing neural network algorithms and conventional algorithms, so if you want to dig into details, there are links provided to both code and white papers. If you need some inspiration for what to do with OCR, maybe thispast proj...
2st Higher level and standard level courses-也就是我们的课程部分啦,根据课程难度分为高级(HL),及标准级(SL)。学生要从6大部分 study in language and literature(语言和文学),language acquisition(语言学),individuals and society(人文与社会),sciences(科学),mathematics(数学),art(艺术)每个部分中各选一个...
A-Level全称为英国高中课程(General Certificate of Education Advanced Level,简称A Level),它是英国...