8.Graphs of trig ono metric functions三角函数的图形 9.Differe ntiation微分 10.Trigonometric identities and simple equations三角恒等式和简单的三角等式 11.I ntegration积分 Core Mathematics3(AS/A2)核心数学3 1.Algebra fractio ns分式代数 2.Functions函数 3.The expo nen tial and log fun ctio ns指数...
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How to find the derivative of trig functions.Sine,cosine,tangent,secant,cosecant,cotangent all examined and how their derivatives are arrived at - worked examples of problems.
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While not a “hack” in the traditional sense, it’s important to be aware of algorithms like this as they can inform a lot of the way the world works on a fundamental level. Taking that knowledge into another arena like computer programming can often yield some interesting results. One fa...
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John D Cook, meanwhile, has some advice onmentally approximating logs and trig functions. And finally,Adrian Biagiolihas an explanation ofPerlin noise. Not enough maths in your life? I mean, who has? In case you’re one of today’slucky 10,000who don’t know about Chris Smith, he’s ...