📖 SaveMyExams:想要全面的A-Level备考资料?这个网站提供从课堂笔记到模拟试卷的一切所需。让你的学习之路更加顺畅。🧬 PMT:生物、化学实验让你头疼吗?PMT的视频教程将直观的操作演示和详细的流程讲解相结合,让你仿佛置身实验室。📐 Alevel Maths Revision:数学难题不再困扰你。这款应用按知识点分类整理习题,精...
We offer comprehensive, online and in-person revision courses for GCSE, A Level and University Admissions Tests. Find out more here.
✅Revisely:针对薄弱环节进行集中刷题,提升备考效率。 ✅PMT:专为物理、化学、生物三科设计,提供详细的CIE paper 3、paper 5真题解析。 ✅Alevel Maths Revision:分类细致的数学题目,助你查漏补缺。 ✅ITP:【拍照即搜】功能,让你秒查题目出处和答案。📸选择适合自己的A-Level课程培训,开启你的学术之旅吧...
Our A Level physics revision courses take place throughout the year to help students succeed in their exams. Learn more and book here.
Revision for AQA Chemistry AS and A-Level from 2015, including summary notes, worksheets and past exam questions for each topic and paper.
Revision for Edexcel Chemistry (A) AS and A Level Papers, including summary notes, worksheets and past exam questions for each topic.
里面收录了很多A-Level的课堂笔记、知识点梳理、考点分析和模拟试卷,非常适合用来补充自己的笔记内容。我家孩子就在上面找到了完善物理电学部分笔记的资料。 PMT 🎬 这个工具汇集了大量生物、化学等实验操作流程的视频教程。孩子看了这些视频后,对实验课理解得更透彻了,做实验也得心应手。 Alevel Maths Revision 📐...
https://www.physicsandmathstutor.com/physics-revision/a-level-cie/fields/ 可以利用这个网站上的笔记进行相关知识理论的理解和总结。下图是PMT上的笔记节选。 2.在理解的基础上自己做总结 首先,同学们要了解每一个物理符号代表什么,比如说g和G...
the T2-weighted and FLAIR sequences were excluded for some participants (≈5% in session 1, ≈10% in session 2). T2-weighted TSE scans (slab aligned orthogonally to the hippocampus) were acquired to examine the structural properties of the hippocampus and amygdala at the subdivision level (thr...
PMT 2.(a)(i)Timeintervalof1month/toolong; Largenumberofmiceborn/addedtothepopulationinthistime/ die/lostfrompopulation; OR 12hoursistooshortatime; Formicetomixinpopulation/berecaptured; OR Innon-seedyearsnumberofmiceissmall; Somaynotcatchany/anymarkedmice;2 ...