相较于AS,此阶段中Paper4不仅难度增大,答题时间相对来说更少,虽然每年题型都差不多,但是大论文内容较多,想要拿到较好的成绩需要注意行文逻辑与结构,在练习时注意培养和开拓辩证思维。 4 Chemistry 化学 2024年A*率:9.5% A-Level化...
Nrich Core Maths 🌟https://nrich.maths.org/12524 这个网站提供多种类型的数学练习题 Underground Maths 🌟https://undergroundmathematics.org/ 这个网站提供A-Level数学及进阶数学练习题 Physics & Maths Tutor 🌟https://www.phy...
Pearson Edexcel A-Level Maths (9MA0) and AS Maths (8MA0) past exam papers . Pearson Edexcel exam papers are provided for Pure Mathematics and Mechanics & Statistics. You can download the Pearson Edexcel maths A-Level past papers and marking schemes by clicking on the links below. Scroll d...
其中算术与代数是考试重点。 数学B只有进阶考试(评分范围4-9),考两张paper,考试时间均为1小时30分钟。 进阶纯数知识点: 对数函数和指数、二次函数图像、恒等式与不等式、图表、级数、二项式级数、矢量和标量、直角笛卡坐标、微积分、三角学。 进阶纯数只有进阶考试(评分范围4-9),考两张paper,考试时间都是两小时。
A-Level ( General Certincate of EducationAdvanced Level,简称GCE A-Level)是英国高申课程,是英国...
A-Level Maths, Further Maths and Statistics exams past papers and marking schemes. Papers from AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC, CCEA and CIE. This section also includes SQA Higher and Advanced Higher past papers. Free to Download.
Easter Revision Courses, One-to-One Tuition, Free Revision Materials and Video Tutorials for A Level Maths and Further Maths.
2、A Level Notes https://alevelnotes.com/notes/ 宝藏网站!充满了丰富的学科知识和高水平笔记,生物、物理、化学和数学笔记一应俱全,简直是一片福地。 可对比学霸们的笔记,找出自己的薄弱环节,有针对性的复习和提升。必须收藏起来! 3、Mathsmadeeasy(MME) ...
3、Additional Maths(0606) 难度最大,附加数学包含很多复杂的公式理论,比如高等微积分的预备内容和一小部分微积分知识。考试范围涵盖了从初中到高中甚至大学,适合数学基础比较好的学生进行选修。 0606考试形式也是考两张paper,考试时间都是2小时。 0606知识点包括:集合、函数与二次函数、指数与根式、对数函数及其图像、...
Maths is renowned as one of the toughest A-Level subjects. You’ll focus on three areas – Pure Maths, Mechanics and Statistics. This can sometimes feel like you’re doing three subjects rather than one, which can be hard to keep up with. You’ll need a minimum grade of 6 in your ...