Paper 6:Probability & Statistics 2(统计学2) 02、考试形式的变化 A-Level数学改革后考试大纲提供的阶段占比划分得更加详细: ● P1:占AS阶段60%,占A-Level阶段30% ● P3:占A-Level阶段30% ● S1:占AS阶段40%,占A-Level阶段20% ● M:占AS阶段40%,占A-Level阶段20% P1和P3改革之后变为了1小时50分钟...
June 2022 Pearson Edexcel A-Level Maths Past Papers (9MA0) A-Level Paper 1: Pure Mathematics 1 (9MA0/01) Download Paper–Download Mark Scheme A-Level Paper 2: Pure Mathematics 2 (9MA0/02) Download Paper–Download Mark Scheme A-Level Paper 31: Statistics (9MA0-31) Download Paper–Do...
June 2018 WJEC A-Level Maths Past Papers (2300 and 1300) AS Unit 1: Pure Mathematics A (2300U10-1) –Download Paper-Download Mark Scheme AS Unit 2: Applied Mathematics A (2300U20-1) –Download Paper-Download Mark Scheme A2 Unit 3: Pure Mathematics B (1300U30-1) –Download Paper-Do...
3Xtremepaper 网址: 推荐指数:★★★ 网站提供各类考试的题目, 比如IGCSE、A Level、SAT、IB等。其中A Level的资料涉及了CAIE、Edexcel等主流考试局的题目,科目比较齐全。网站还提供了论坛服务,供参与考试的同学们相互交流经验或沟通复习资料的内容。美中不足的是,部分资料更新较慢,分类也...
网站内容非常丰富,覆盖了IGCSE、A Level等多个学习阶段的资料,包括各个考试局的历年考试试题、学科大纲、电子书等,其中CAIE考试局的A Level考试资源最为全面。整个界面清晰明了,分类细致,同学们可以随时下载提升复习效率。 3Xtremepaper 网址:https://xtremepa...
Max Paper: 🌟 A-Level学习资料网站 🌟 AS和A-Level众多topic的精简笔记都能在这个网站上找到 🌟 这是一家在线的美国教科书网站,网页...
Level Sample Assessment Materials for first teaching September 2018 (Time: 1 hour 30 minutes) Paper Reference WMA11/01 Mathematics International Advanced Subsidiary/Advanced Level Pure Mathematics P1 You must have: Total Marks Mathematical Formulae and Statistical Tables, calculator Candidates may use ...
MEI A level further mathematics core year 1 (AS) 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 64 作者:B Sparks,C Baldwin 摘要: An OCR endorsed textbookHelp students to develop their knowledge and apply their reasoning to mathematical problems with textbooks that draw on the well-known MEI (Mathematics ...
书名:Collins Cambridge International AS and A Level Further Pure Mathematics 1 Student’s Book柯林斯剑桥国际AS & A Level进阶纯数学1(学生用书) 作者:Tom Andrews;Helen Ball出版社名称:Collins出版时间:2018语种:英文ISBN:9780008257774商品尺寸:19 x 1.3 x 26.4 cm包装:平装页数:228(以实物为准) 剑桥国际AS...
In this paper, we review the solutions for the mathematical models of the theory of elasticity based on the methods of iterative factorizations, fictitious components and other methods. 2. Main Results 2.1. The Poisson and the Sophie Germain-Lagrange Equations The Poisson equation models the displac...