Worked solutions for some A-level maths past year examinations. Concepts that you will need to know for the A-level Maths: Algebra, Transformation of Graphs, Functions, Indices, Logarithms & Exponential, Polynomials, Geometry. Coordinate Geometry, Differentiation, Integration, Sequences & Series, Bin...
A-Level课程全称:英国高中课程(General Certificate of Education Advanced Level ),它是英国的普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程,是英国的全民课程体系,也是英国学生的大学入学考试课程,就像我国的高考一样,A-Level课程证书被几乎所有英语授课的大学作为招收新生的入学标准。A-Level课程权威性得到了国际上的广泛认可。同时...
Normal distribution: Normal curve 性质,概率,normal的概率表怎么用怎么看,inverse normal等等 请大家自己总结一下各单元常见题型(因为stats内容比纯数少,但是单章节难度可能更大,所以不建议纯数每章都这样做一次,比较耗时间),拿出一本past year paper,勾选备注下各个题目的类型,是个不错的方法。 mechanics 图!图!
leap year noun [ C ] UK /ˈliːp ˌjɪər/ a year that happens every four years and has an extra day on 29 February闰年wintry adjective UK /ˈwɪn.tri/ typical of winter 冬天的;冬天特有的;冬令的It looks like this wintry weather is here to stay.好像这种寒冷的...
Alevel进阶数学2015年夏季真题试卷2(含答案)版本1AlevelFurtherMath2015SummerPastExamPaper2(withanswer)v1 PMTPMT Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Level FURTHER MATHEMATICS 9231/21 Paper 2 May/June 2015 3 hours * Additional Materials: Answer Booklet/Paper 5 Graph Paper 1 ...
Alevel纯数2020年夏季AS真题试卷1(含答案)版本1AlevelPureMath2020SummerASPastExamPaper1(withanswer)v1 PMT CambridgeInternationalASALevel CANDIDATE NAME CENTRE CANDIDATE NUMBER NUMBER * 2 8 MATHEMATICS 9709/11 5 1 Paper1PureMathematics1 May/June2020 7 9 1hour50minutes 8 5 0 Youmustansweronthe...
According to a survey, the number of road accidents has increased over the past year. This notice is aimed on increasing people's knowledge of the problem. Below is some of the major causes of road accidents and that drivers should do to prevent them. ...
【题目】(外研社沸腾英语)In th e past year s, a larg e number of studies hav e shown tha t th e richer you are, th e mor e likely you ar e t o cheat or ignor e th e needs of others.However, a recent report has shown differ ent results. T h e report is publish e d i...
___ the past year as an exchange student in Hong Kong,Linda is more independent now.( )A. SpendingB. SpentC. To spendD. Having spent
People in the city died in a year. 一年之内,城里的人都死了。I will be back in a year.我一年后回来。a year after 没有吧 一般用after a year After a year, we trod respective journey, 一年后我们踏上了各自的旅途 past a year 也没有,只有 in the past year 在过去的一年 ...