A-level 地理、数学、物理、人文艺术与社会科学成绩达到A*或A,可以兑换不同课程的一定学分。 2.斯坦福大学 Stanford University 一般入学要求: 没有最低入学成绩要求,A-Level申请也要求提交ACT with Writing/SAT with Essay。 A-Level申请学分,斯坦福大学只认可英国和新加坡的A-Level,且成绩需在A-D之间。来自英国...
after nightfall after no good after physical examin after praying quietly after quarter spring after returning home after several reverse after silence after some notable su after some thought after sometime after supper is alway after the arabic nume after the fight after the gold rush-k after ...
a lasting impression a law court a court o a law suit to sue som a lay-over a layer of rock a le cutter a le e ence a leader in art and c a length as absolute a lenthwise and cross a lesson for fools a lesson in leadershi a letter from an read a letter from yusupov a lett...
a level各科历年真题6ph01r pef.pdf,Edexcel and BTEC Qualifications Edexcel and BTEC qualifications come from Pearson, the world’s leading learning . We provide a wide range of qualifications luding academic, vocational, occupational and specific programm
https://www.exam-mate.com/ 这个网站的好处就在于它有专门按topic分pastpaper的题目,太适合大家进行知识点的专项复习。很多时候我们老是在一个知识点扣分,都是因为对该知识点的内容掌握不清,这个时候就需要靠大量刷同一类型的题来对公式、题干进行熟悉...
经济学是A-level大热门科目之一,主要由于经济学在金融、政治、行政等各个领域都能得到广泛的应用,在就业前景方面也是一片光明,这也吸引了越来越多的同学一头扎进了A-level经济的怀抱。 但是呢,学起来却没那么简单... “不选不行,选了...
“golden standard” for admission to the world’s leading universities, with a certificate of admission to thousands of formal universities in 160 countries around the world. Once students pass the A-Level exam, they can open doors to thousands of universities in the United States, Canada, the...
Alevel纯数2015年夏季AS真题试卷3(含答案)版本3AlevelPureMath2015SummerASPastExamPaper3(withanswer)v3 PMT Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Level MATHEMATICS 9709/33 Paper 3 Pure Mathematics 3 (P3) May/June 2015 1 hour 45 minutes * Additional Materials: Answer Booklet/...