Percolation This is the transfer of water to groundwater stores (aquifers). Water from aquifers can return to the surface of the Earth as springs. Find out aboutthe processes and pathways of the water cycle.
(2009): “those which depend upon freshwater habitats for any critical part of their life cycle” e.g. amphibians (egg and tadpole stage). We also included animals that spend a significant part of their lives in water or near it, for feeding, reproduction, etc., such as some freshwater ...
(2009). World development report 2009: Reshaping economic geography. Washington DC, US: World Bank. License: CC BY 3.0 IGO. World Bank. (2017). Modeling the water-energy nexus: How do water constraints affect energy planning in South ...
The response of evapotranspiration (ET) to warming is of critical importance to the water and carbon cycle of the boreal biome, a mosaic of land cover types dominated by forests and peatlands. The effect of warming-induced vapour pressure deficit (VPD) i
Capture-mark-recapture/resight (CMR) methods are used for survival-rate studies, yet are often limited by small sample sizes. Advances in passive integrated transponder (PIT) technology have enabled passive detection or ‘resight’ of marked individuals
3.1. Distribution and geography Fig. 1 shows the global distribution of the urban environments included within our study. Europe and the Middle East represented the largest proportion of studies in our dataset (n = 62) followed by Asia and Australia (n = 48), North America (n = 39), sub...
dSchool of Geography, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China; eInstitute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China (Received 27 February 2013; final version received 9 May 2013) Recently, five Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) products have been released: leaf area index ...
In 2009, the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference and the new governmental draft for the revision of the Swiss CO2 Act attracted significant public attention, but it did not reach the same level as in 2007. This may have been related to the global financial crisis and the failure of ...
Over the last years, issues concerning diatom teratological forms and environmental stress have received growing interest within the scientific community.
The mineral and trace elements examined were within WHO and NSDWQ limits for drinking water except Cd and Pb. The permeability index and other irrigation indices showed that all the spring water was suitable for irrigation purposes. The pollution index suggested that the pollution level of all ...