A-Level生物很多内容需要记忆,这也是生物最难的部分。比如每个考试局都会考Carbon cycle 或 Respiration,而且分值和结构都差不多,同学们只需要稍微调整一下就能答对。当然还有实验过程的每一步,对有些人来说无聊,对有些人来说有趣。 了解考试...
Pearson Edexcel A Level Geography Topic 6 示范和审核员评语 Examiner marked exemplars for Topic 6 Carbon cycle and energy security A Level Geography Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Geography (9GE0)
六 现代语言-Edexcel A-Level 的现代语言主要分为两个部分,语言和文化。 语言部分学习的语法其实就只是IGCSE 语法的一点点延伸。IGCSE教材里的课文从以日常生活为主,进阶到了A-Level使用该语种国家的社会变革,文化,政治和艺术,但在学习中,学不是单一的学习本国语言,...
Edexcel AS Level Geography requires students to: 1. identify appropriate field research questions, based on their knowledge and understanding of relevant aspects of physical and human geography 2. undertake informed and critical questioning of data sources, analytical methodologies, data reporting and pres...