afghan national polic afghanistangeography afghanpeaceaccord afia aficionadoive afilae afillİ yaalnizlik afils afip castle afire complete beacon aflagellaraflagellate aflame a aflatoxin aft aflohioillinoisation afm adance frequency afm topography afolds air force on-l afonso henriques afore ahead ...
The South American Archaeological Isotopic Database (SAAID) is a comprehensive open-access resource that aggregates all available bioarchaeological stable and radiogenic isotope measurements, encompassing data from human individuals, animals, and plants
Copy number variation (CNV) can drive rapid evolution in changing environments. In microbial pathogens, such adaptation is a key factor underpinning epidemics and colonization of new niches. However, the genomic determinants of such adaptation remain poo
Microbiome-metabolome studies of the human gut have been gaining popularity in recent years, mostly due to accumulating evidence of the interplay between gut microbes, metabolites, and host health. Statistical and machine learning-based methods have been
Two bacterial SGBs were potentially unannotated phylum-level genome bins (uPGBs) with completeness and contamination at (90.65%, 2.44%), and (90.96%, 1.10%), respectively, which indeed illustrated the underestimated diversity of the soil microbial dark matter and highlighted the pressing need for ...
Land-use change is a direct driver of biodiversity loss, projection and future land use change often consider a topical issue in response to climate change. Yet few studies have projected land-use changes over Africa, owing to large uncertainties. We pro
xinsuinizhuan / matplotplusplus Public forked from alandefreitas/matplotplusplus Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings Fork 0 Star 0 Matplot++: A C++ Graphics Library for Data Visualization 📊🗾 License MIT license ...
Growing up on the coast of California, it never occurred to me the geography of my younger days was limited to only three of the fourcardinal directions. If I headed north I’d leave the urban stretches of Los Angeles for the more rural towns of the the central coast. Head south and ...
When phylogenetic relatedness of microbes was not considered, geography rather than host phylogeny appeared to have a stronger influence on Saiga microbiota in relation to other antelopes. Overall, our results indicate the gut microbiota of two geographically disparate Saiga antelope populations is ...
The mixed results in these two studies preclude the possibility to evaluate the validity of this index as a marker or predictor of weight control in Chinese populations [41,42]. While this index was not associated with BMI in a study among healthy people [41], it was negatively associated ...