Donne’s great achievement, according to Eliot, was to have substituted a natural conversational idiom for a conventional one, carrying out a revolution of the kind ‘which has to occur from time to time … if the English language is to retain its vigour’ (Winny, 52). With Herbert, Marve...
technology could never fully replace a teacher, and so this isn’t really what I’m setting out to do. Where I see technology being able to make an enormous impact, though, is in its ability to automate and scale a lot of the things on the periphery that language learning involves. ...
You can write a creative essay without using a large number of sources. Nevertheless, when writing an English argumentative essay or an article in any other language,it is essential to avoid typical mistakes that inexperienced authors often make. Moreover, to write compelling essays, some people ...
57). Fister (2015) notes increased library engagement with partnering on a broader range of learning supports, including academic writing and English-language acquisition. A further progression in recent times has been towards library support for student well-being (Brewerton & Woolley, 2016; Ramsey...
7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy...
”) but only spent the first few years of my career in the field. I had a good run with info technology companies (“Bill Gates!”) but never developed the level of expertise to be labeled a “techy”. I write these weekly blog posts (“John Grisham!”) but have no plans for the...
While gendered language takes form in English mainly through pronouns and labels, in other languages like Arabic, gender and language are connected on a more intrinsic level. Habash et al. (2019) found that Arabic is a morphologically rich language that inflects gender, person, and voice, ...
Any professional should know the difference between the examples below: There/they’re/their Its/it’s Effect/affect Your/you’re Too/two/to Loose/lose I/me/myself Pro tip: Do you ever wish you could have an editor reading over your shoulder? Consider a digital solution. Grammarly is a...
Her academic specialism—the history and significance of sexism in the English language—was also a theme that featured prominently in her puzzles: they contained clues like “never the governor’s equal (9)” (answer: GOVERNESS), and “independent woman (8)” (answer: SPINSTER). Penelope ...
“Bearing down with all her might”? What is she cracking walnuts? I realize we can’t grade all of a writer’s language output with the same eye we might take to her novels, but level up a smidge.3&4 But back to the praise of Groff by Diaz. What else is he going to say? He...