明年评分变严格已经势在必行,目标牛剑G5的小伙伴,一定要有一个长远的规划,第一步就是我们的A-level成绩,一定要拿到几个A*。 G5名校Alevel直升班,专门为目标英国名校的小伙伴设计,学生将利用1-2年时间学习英国A-level课程体系,并...
AQA考试局 AQA,作为与剑桥、爱德思齐名的英国三大主要颁证机构之一,向全球学子提供包括A-Level、GCSE、...
AQA provides qualifications that enable students to progress to the next stage in their lives. We also support teachers to develop their professional skills.
When this is fully fledged, it should ensure that students arrive at their A-level NEA with a good understanding of how to read around a topic and formulate an enquiry, as well as helping with smaller things like how to write a bibliography and speak confidently from notes. Students complete...
aerospace Article In-Vehicle Speech Recognition for Voice-Driven UAV Control in a Collaborative Environment of MAV and UAV Jeong-Sik Park 1,* and Na Geng 2 1 Department of English Linguistics and Language Technology, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul 02450, Republic of Korea 2 ...