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这类大纲AS和A-level阶段包括设计技术、法语语言、法语语言与文学、德语语言、德语语言与文学。修订后的新大纲,都是2025年6月首次考试。给大家举例说明: 法语语言:这个新的教学大纲取代了于2024年11月最后一次考试的AS Level法语(8682)课程,并着重于...
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《培生幼儿启蒙英语(升级版)》是一套来自培生教育出版集团的幼儿英语读物,是畅销系列《培生幼儿英语》《培生幼儿英语第二辑》的精华礼盒升级版。分为level A和level B两个精美礼盒,每盒包含46册图书和、3张英文配音数据光盘。每册图书封底附3个二维码,手机扫描即可获得常青藤爸爸英语启蒙课音频、同步配套连载微课和...
Language English ISBN10 1292245174 ISBN13 9781292245171 内容简介 Developed for the new International A Level specification, these new resources are specifically designed for international students, with a strong focus on progression, recognition and transferable skills, allowing learning in a local context ...
Cathy teaches Hareton and brings him under her influence, the values of the Grange and book values. They are described in Chapter 32 as ‘one loving and desiring to esteem, the other loving and desiring to be esteemed, they contrived in the end to reach it’. She succeeds where the ...
Language English ISBN10 1292274611 ISBN13 9781292274614 内容简介 Developed for the new International A Level 2018 specification, these new resources are specifically designed for international students, with a strong focus on progression, recognition and transferable skills, allowing learning in a local con...
A-Level课程全称:英国高中课程(General Certificate of Education Advanced Level ),它是英国的普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程,是英国的全民课程体系,也是英国学生的大学入学考试课程,就像我国的高考一样,A-Level课程证书被几乎所有英语授课的大学作为招收新生的入学标准。A-Level课程权威性得到了国际上的广泛认可。同时...