Note: This exam format and syllabus is for the years 2024 and 2025, it will be updated in the year 2026. This level has 2 papers with a total of 90 marks. Paper 1 (30 marks) This paper is in the format of multiple-choice questions with 4 options, worth 30 marks. Duration: 1...
3.3 Economics content 3.3.1 Globalisation, International trade and economic co-operation Concepts and tools of analysis Globalisation Free trade Protectionism - Tariffs and non-tariff measures International and regional economic cooperation H1 Physics syllabus 1. Measurement Measurement 2. Newtonian mechanics ...
The syllabus, curriculum and examinations of this curriculum system are designed and organized by the four major UK examination boards, and its authority has been widely recognized internationally. To date, more than 5,000 educational in...
Steven D., DubnerPoor Economicsby Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther DufloThe Undercover Economistby Tim HarfordThe Euroby Joseph StiglitzCapital in the Twenty First Century
The purpose of this syllabus and the examination based on it is to test the candidates in all the three major fields of knowledge and skill that together form the principal constituents of economics: (1) a capacity to understand and apply the principles upon which a modern economy works; (2...
However, credit is given for valid answers which go beyond the scope of the syllabus and mark scheme, referring to your Team Leader as appropriate • marks are awarded when candidates clearly demonstrate what they know and can do • marks are not deducted for errors • marks are not ...
ECONOMICS 9708 A/AS LEVEL 2010 Advanced Subsidiary Level Syllabus 2 Core The Price System [Core] (a) (b) Individual demand curves Aggregation of individual demand curves to give market demand Factors influencing demand Movements along and shifts of a demand curve Price, income and cross- ...
Get JC A Level Economics Tuition in Singapore from top JC economics tutor Mr Melvin Koh, author of Econs TYS and guidebook. Trial econs tuition class available!
3. Syllabus aims and assessment 3.1 Aims The Cambridge International A & AS Level Economics syllabus aims to: • provide a basis of factual knowledge of economics • encourage the student to develop: • a facility for self-expression, not only in writing but also in using additional aids...
A Level记笔记方法 结合syllabus 和老师课堂上讲的内容以及书上的内容每一个单元做一个笔记。 你可能会有疑问:明明书上内容都有为什么要自己做笔记呢? 首先CIE经济教材真的又厚又重,如果全部背下来要背到猴年马月不说,里面的一些内容考试是真的用不到,所以我一般只把那本书当作参考书用的; 其次,我认为做笔记...