青藜苑Zoe老师结合A-level Economics考试梳理了常考的基本概念,第一期的讲解内容聚焦在AS阶段paper 1的选择题中常见的30个基本概念,每次文末会配合历年考题让大家进行练习,答案讲解会出现在下一篇概念分享中,因此学生们可以在学习之余进行...
青藜苑老师结合A-level Economics考试梳理了常考的基本概念,第一期的讲解内容聚焦在AS阶段paper 1的选择题中常见的30个基本概念,每次文末会配合历年考题让大家进行练习,答案讲解会出现在下一篇概念分享中,因此学生们可以在学习之余进行自测,并在下一...
A model of the economy which shows the flow of goods, services and factors and their payments around the economy. 显示商品、服务、要素及其支付在经济中的流动的经济模型。 Inflation 通货膨胀 定义: A sustained rise in the general price level over time. 一般价格水平在一段时间内的持续上升。 Deflati...
Non-Renewable Resources:Non-renewable resources are ones whose stock level decreases over time as it is consumed for example, fossil fuels (oil, gas and coal) and commodities (gold and aluminium). Recycling and developing alternative resources helps reduce the rate of decline of non-renewables. N...
在A Level考试中,AS和A2的占比相同,但是难度却大相径庭。在AS考试中拿一个相对较高的分数(90+/100)非常非常重要!这样的话A2就会轻松很多。复习过程中,对知识点的梳理非常重要,我AS拿高分的秘籍就是一遍又一遍的整理笔记(mind map/纸上勾勾画画/认真梳理 etc.各种整理方法)。
1. What is an example of the use of ceteris paribus? A The rate of increase in wage rates equals the rate of increase in price levels. B There is a constant rise in both wage rates and price levels. C Wage rates and the price level remain constant at their original levels. D Wage...
ALEVEL Economics Section3价格机制中的政府干预 Markets do not always operate as suggested by economic theory.There are various reasons why markets fail. Where negative and positive externalities exist in a market,the outcome is an inappropriate level of production. ...
A-LEVEL经济学自救指南 简短的前言~~作者从事经济学授课多年,在接触到的很多学生中,发现很多同学最大...
1.What is Economics? Economics– studies the allocation of scarce (scarce = limited) resources in response to unlimited wants. 2.What isscarcity? Limited resources: 资源的有限性 In economic wecategoriesthe resources available to us into four types. There are known asfactors of production: 1)....
A- level Economics(AS) A-level经济学 01 课程介绍 AS课程提纲包括主题的主要理论概念,关于经济学当前一些应用的部分,以及对高级实践技能的强调。实践技能在时间表实践考试中进行评估。ALevel经济学课程为将要在大学学习化学或各种相关科目或从事科学职业的学生进行基础教育。