美国:美国一些顶级大学需要SAT成绩,但也有部分大学接受A-level成绩,而且A-level成绩在美国大学可以兑换学分 适用对象 A-Level课程适用于年龄在15—18之间,初中毕业以上的在校中学生或具有同等学历的职高生,通常国内A-level学校招收的是高二毕业的学生,并要求参加相关的入学考试,由于A-level课程包括教学及试卷习题等都是...
A-Level课程体系 该课程体系的教学大纲、课程设置及其考试分别由英国四个主要考试局Cambridge International Examinations,简称CIE,Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations简称OCR,Assessment and Qualifications Alliance简称AQA和EDEXCEL等设计并组织,其*性得到了国际上的广泛认可。迄今为止,已有5000多个*开设了英国*课程,每年有...
But doing it after exams have been sat means the mark scheme can be more detailed and include “expected and unexpected responses”. The responses from these papers are then used as exemplars in the training materials for the exam markers. This is important to ensure there is guidance for...
AS和A Drama和Theatre Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advance
GCE Drama and Theatre StudiesPearson Edexcel LevelTheatre Studies