Your courses at 牛顿A-level课程 牛顿A-level课程涵盖核心科学,数学,心理学和经济学。你将在专门为你设计的学术预科课程中学习四项A level,助你在所选领域内取得最好成绩: 你还将参加课外活动。强化你在 A-level期间学到的课程知识,充分利用独特的大学位置,最大限度地提高在英国,或国外顶尖大学获得最具竞争力...
At Oxford International College we offer an academically rigorous A-level programme - an 18-month course and a traditional two-year pathway. Find out more here.
a level courses online, such as flexibility, time management, individual focused learning and more. with our a level online courses, you will have access to course materials covering the specification required, assessments with feedback, access to your tutors via the online learning portal and ...
A Online Level 1 Course OVERVIEW The Online Level 1 Course includes two components: A self-paced online course that can be completed at home. The course begins with lecture-based and interactive instruction on the fundamental principles and movements of CrossFit and ends with a 50-question multi...
物理:Physics and Maths Tutor / A-level Physics Online 经济:The Student Room / The Khan Academy 化学:Chemguide / Resources 生物:A-Level Biology / BioTopics 考试局官网: CAIE考试局: https://www.cambridgeinternational....
We offer comprehensive, online revision courses for GCSE, A Level and University Admissions Tests. Find out more here.
Immersive, tutor-led online A Level courses for Spanish, Portuguese and German. With live lessons and complete tutor support, our courses help every student to achieve their potential with Modern Languages.
Physics online是由Lewis Matheson创立并运营的。lewis是一个前物理教师,现在是一个全职的youtuber,提供了非常多优质的视频帮助同学们学习GCSE和A-level物理。 👉推荐理由: physics online也是我非常常用的一个油管账号,内容很全面,而且老师讲解非常清...
Our A Level physics revision courses take place throughout the year to help students succeed in their exams. Learn more and book here.
A-level生物 Bozeman Science CrashCourse Iken Edu Moof University Osmosis from Elsevier 视频课和A-level在线课程 有什么区别? 虽然都是“网课”,但上面列出的这些频道都只是视频课,而不是A-level在线课程,这两者最主要的区别的就是上完课后你...