162 -- 1:35:26 App A Level 化学 EDEXCEL Topic 15 Transition Metals REVISION 56 -- 1:27:41 App A Level 化学 EDEXCEL Topic 14 Redox II REVISION 90 -- 1:12:09 App A Level 化学 EDEXCEL Topic 17 Organic Chemistry II REVISION 26 -- 1:19:02 App A Level 化学 EDEXCEL Topic 13 ...
Edexcel A Level Chemistry 真题讲解1 考试局:Pearson Edexcel爱德思 考试类别:International Advanced Level 考试阶段:International Advanced Subsidiary 考试科目:Chemistry 考试单元:Unit 1: Structure, Bonding and Introduction to Organic Chemistry 试卷代码:WCH11/01 试卷年份:2019年1月 精选题目1: 题目难度:容易 ...
这本是英澳大学本科直申 教材,貌似相关考试的名字叫培生爱德思考试,具体的号主也不是很了解 ALevel的化学书有很多,号主这里 就搜罗了3、40本的样子,,基本都翻过了,基本都是看看图片,谋划哪些在教学中可以用得上,学生们看到国外...
Definition of polarization and its effect on lattice energy 1.5 Introductory to organic chemistry 第五章,有机化学的基本介绍。主要涉及了分类、命名及异构三大块部分。 Basic concepts about organic chemistry and different families of organic compoun...
商品简介 Develop and assess your students' knowledge and mathematical skills throughout A Level with worked examples, practical assessment guidance and differentiated end of topic questions with this Edexcel Year 1 student book. 查看Google书籍信息 ...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现培生爱德思考试教材 Edexcel International AS/A level Chemistry Student Book 1 化学学生用书 英文原版的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于培生爱德思考试教材 Edexcel Interna
EDEXCEL:EDEXCEL每部分分为3个单元测试,共有6次考试需要参加: AS:Unit1、Unit2、Unit3 A2:Unit4、Unit5、Unit6 。其中,Unit1,Unit2,Unit4和Unit5考察了化学的不同方面,又或是由浅及深,而Unit3和Unit6则注重学生的实验能力。 Unit1:Structure,Bonding and Introduction to Organic Chemistry ...
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在淘宝,您不仅能发现原版CGP A-Level Chemistry: Edexcel Year 1 & 2 Complete Revision & Practice with Online Edition 化学完全修订和实践的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于原版CGP A-Level Che
Endorsed by Edexcel Develop and assess your students' knowledge and mathematical skills throughout A Level with worked examples, practical assessment guidance and differentiated end of topic questions with this Edexcel Year 1 student book - Identifies the level of your students' understanding with diagno...