因此,攻克这一部分的难点——有机化学(Organic Chemistry)就变得尤其重要了。 如何入门A Level有机化学 有机化学,又称为碳化合物(carbon compounds)的化学,而它的难点则在于:这些化合物实在有太多花样了! 由于碳原子所形成的chains和rings可以与其他元素,比如氢(hydrogen)、氧(oxygen)、氮(nitrogen),形成化学键,所...
☛AS Level candidates also study practical skills. A2化学 Physical chemistry ☛23 Chemical energetics ☛24 Electrochemistry ☛25 Equilibria ☛26 Reaction kinetics Inorganic chemistry ☛27 Group 2 ☛8 Chemistry of transiti...
同时,从我亲身经历所得来的经验看:尽管AS和A2这两部分在算分系统中各占50%,但是由于难度上的差别(A2的难度系数无疑是比AS高的),若想要披荆斩棘拿到化学的A*,往往意味着AS部分的掌握得达到炉火纯青的地步才行。 因此,攻克这一部分的难点——有机化学(Organic Chemistry)就变得尤其重要了。 如何入门有机化学 有...
今天是周一,我们来分享化学学科的知识。 这次的内容是 Reaction Kinetics 化学反应动力学 不论题目怎样play tricks,掌握基本原理即可以不变应万变。 今天为大家带来化学反应相关的知识点: Rate of a reation 化学反应速率 Activation energy 反应能量 Catalysis 催化剂 接下来就是我们的Mindmap本尊啦~ 我是你们忠实...
(反应)withthewaterinyourglass,slightlyloweringitsPHlevel. Also,there mightbe more microorganisms (微生物)inyourwaterifyouleaveitoutovernight.Microorganismsgrowmorequicklyatroom temperature.These microorganismscanstayon yourglass. 8 Butaslongasyoucleanyour glassesveryoften,thiswillnotbeaproblem. Incountriesli...
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Extraction of organic chemistry grammar from unsupervised learning of chemical reactions[github][paper] This package does atom mapping for chemistry using transformer networks. From the abstract:During the last few hundred years, chemists compiled the language of chemical synthesis inferring a series of ...
ChemCrow is an LLM chemistry agent that integrates 13 expert-designed tools and augments the LLM performance in chemistry and emerge new capabilities. [2023/04] GeneGPT: Augmenting Large Language Models with Domain Tools for Improved Access to Biomedical Information. Qiao Jin (National Institutes of...
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