摘要:本研究介绍了英国Coordination Group Publications Ltd出版的AQA New A-Level Chemistry(2015版)教材有机化学主题,发现该教材具有广度和难度贴近大学化学,注重知识之间的内在联系、环境保护、技术性与前沿性、教材习题难度紧扣考题等特点,以期为我国的外国语学校、普通高中国际部的课堂教学提供参考,为高中化学教材优化...
Revision for AQA Chemistry AS and A-Level from 2015, including summary notes, worksheets and past exam questions for each topic and paper.
涵盖AQA,Edexcel、QCRWJEC物理解题方法、真题、复习笔记、Flashcard等。 A-level Physics Online 🌟https://www.alevelphysicsonline.com/ 有很多A-Level Physics的视频教程,最大特点:能在5min的视频讲完1h的内容,这个网站适合复习的时候...
国际A level学制为两年,第一年称为AS level,修读考试合格后获得AS level证书;第二年称为A2 level,连同AS level修读并考试合格后获得A level证书。在AS level,一般要求每个学生选四门课,优秀学生可以多选;A2阶段,可以从原修读的四门课中减...
AQA A Level Chemistry Student Book 1英国留学考试化学教材复习资料电子版下载 2 星级: 75 页 AQA A Level Chemistry Student Book 1英国留学考试化学教材复习资料电子版下载 4 星级: 75 页 AQA A Level Chemistry Student Book 2英国留学考试化学教材复习资料电子版下载 1 星级: 67 页 Biology - Vol...
A-Level(General Certificate of Education Advanced Level ),英国高中课程,是英国全民课程体系,是英国普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程,也是英国学生的大学入学考试课程。 A-Level课程证书被几乎所有英语授课的大学作为招收新生的入学标准。 在中国开设A-Level课程旨在为中国学生提供进入国外大学的有效途径,具体目标为:培养...
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Collins all-in-one revision guide and exam practice workbook for GCSE Chemistry shows how each student can follow their level, test their knowledge, check their answers and improve. * Content written by examiners to help students step up a level in their exams and get the grade they want. ...
AQA A-Level/AS Chemistry Workbook: Physical Chemistry: 1 Create confident, literate and well-prepared students with skills-focused, topic specific workbooks. Our Student Workbooks build students understanding, developing the confidence and exam skills they need, whilst providing ready prepared... AG Mc...
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