chemguide是英国的一个化学老师根据自己多年A-level化学讲解经验做的一个知识点梳理的网站。从每个章节出发,他根据小的知识点逐级进阶,帮助我们在把握知识整体走向的同时落实每一个知识点。 图片来源:Cambridge International AS & A Level Chemistry 9701 syllabus for 2...
虽然咱不提倡题海战术,但A Level化学是真的要多做题,毕竟重复率在那摆着呢,干嘛和分数过不去呀~但千万不要忘记刷过的题要多多拿出来复习、整理等。另外,真题的话大家可以先做夏天的再做冬天的,因为这两套可能会有一些细微的差别。夏天的考试还是用夏天的历年真题参考最准确。 3Syllabus查缺补漏 极力推荐备考终...
chemguide是英国的一个化学老师根据自己多年A-level化学讲解经验做的一个知识点梳理的网站。这个网站是小编用的最有逻辑且最全面的梳理网站,从每个章节出发,他根据小的知识点逐级进阶,帮助我们在把握知识整体走向的同时落实每一个知识点。 👉怎么用...
A Levels with a grade of A, B, or C will be considered on a case-by-case basis, with credit awarded at the discretion of the individual academic department. A syllabus will be required. Advanced Subsidiary Level (AS Level) does not transfer. Official General Certificate of Education must ...
这些学习资料涵盖大部分学科,包括Syllabus,Past Papers,Examiner reports,Specimen papers等,还有答案提供,备考必备哦! 编辑于 2022-01-18 17:33 赞同104835 条评论 分享收藏喜欢收起水围的天空 alevel 关注 9 人赞同了该回答 自学完全可以的,到时候找一个考试中心考试,然后通过留学...
剑桥国际联盟chemistry a level AS revision1.7 Organic Chemistry - 1.pdf,Organic Chemistry #1 By: Mahmoud Taha Special thanks to Ms Williams and Ms Matrella for their constant support and inspiration Organic Chemistry #1 Please note that these guides are a
JC (Junior College) students in Singapore to cope with the Cambridge-Singapore GCE A level (H2) assessment. Organic Chemistry occupies a distinctive and important position in the Singapore Chemistry syllabus. You are free to look around and find information that you may use in your course of.....
AL CHEM 屏幕快照 简介 这个App是由学生开发的的A-Level化学教学资料和练习题库。内容方面,适合于学习AS, A-Level,以及SAT, AP化学的同学。偏基础。 信息 兼容性:需要 iOS 8.0 或更高版本 语言:英语 价格:免费 相似APP AL ECON Tap OChem 简介
For the students who finished SPM this year (2007), they'll be able to adapt into the A Level syllabus pretty swiftly because they're used to study those subjects in English. Basically, many things from the 1st semester in A Levels are repetition from SPM syllabus. Because of this, some...
William has been amazingly supportive during all his lessons, where his lecture-tutorial system mirrors that of the JC syllabus, and each lesson is carefully crafted to integrate past and future concepts. In the end, I feel that it has really helped me to view my Chemistry syllabus in ...