Edexcel A-Level 历年真题 数学—Math 提取码:tffu 物理—Physics 提取码:l44t ⽣物—Biology 提取码:guva 商科—Business 提取码:qigb 化学—Chemistry 提取码:3sdj 经济—Economics 提取码:g5k6 地理—Geography 提取码:1r2g 英国名校附加考试 STEP考试 提取码:z7pa MAT考试 提取码:yqay PAT考试 提取码...
中国大陆学生在英国驻华大使馆文化教育处可以直接参加Edexcel考试委员会的A-level,以及CIE考试委员会的A-Level考试。 费用 考试费(考试委员会收取) 场地使用费(180元/小时,使馆收取,一般一门课的考试时间也就6-7小时) 邮寄费 考生务必注意,由于目前在英国驻华大使馆文化教育处参加考试Edexcel考试委员会的A-Level的同...
A LEVEL ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS STUDIES Business Economics for AS level, A Handbook for Unit 2b, Edexcel Economics and Business Studies, Brian Ellis and Alan Hewison, Anforme, 116 pages, £8.95, ISBN 978-1-905504-26-8Bentham, Jo
完整的英国高中课程为四年,分别是IGCSE阶段(9-10年级)与A-Level阶段(11-12年级),在英国,完成GCSE的学生(除去英国本土,其他国家的GCSE课程被称为IGCSE)就结束了义务教育的学习,如果学生选择上大学,会继续读A-Level。 IGCSE课程是目前世界上公认的最成熟的初中课程体系,学生学完IGCSE课程能够良好地衔接A-Level课程,...
Environmental Studies- 环境学 Economics- 经济学 Business& Law- 商业与法律 Accounting- 财会 English Literature- 英语文学 Europe History - 欧洲历史 用A-Level成绩申请英国的大学一般要求选择3门课程学习,但是想进比较好的大学(G5、牛剑)的同学一般会选择4门课,学有余力的同学甚至还会选择5门课。
A level Tutors for Maths, Chemistry, Psychology, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies, Environmental Studies, GSCE Maths or Science If you also need high-quality, experienced tutors for other subject then please get in touch.
About the book Used alongside the students' text, Engineering A Level , this pack offers a complete suite of teaching resource material and photocopiable handouts for the compulsory AS and A2 units of the 2005 GCE Engineering syllabus from Edexcel. Coverage is given to the three units required ...
As an A-Level Mathematics specialist and examiner for Edexcel, AQA, and OCR, I have over four years of experience teaching Mathematics at A-Level and GCSE. My expertise lies in helping students master exam techniques, solve complex problems, and achieve top grades. I also provide tailored supp...
• A+Papers now hosts past year papers for CIE and Edexcel A-Level students across the world. • A+Papers also has in-app notes making functionality for any papers you want - You can add or highlight text, add drawings, add signatures/shapes and many more and save and access them ...