takingthebiz is dedicated to providing revision resources such as revision guides and YouTube tutorials for students studying A level Business, GCSE Business and IB Business management. Takingthebiz is suitable for Edexcel A level Business, AQA A level
涵盖AQA,Edexcel、QCRWJEC物理解题方法、真题、复习笔记、Flashcard等。 A-level Physics Online 🌟https://www.alevelphysicsonline.com/ 有很多A-Level Physics的视频教程,最大特点:能在5min的视频讲完1h的内容,这个网站适合复习的时候...
这位博主是英国伊斯特利Barton Peveril Sixth Form College的一名全职教师和A Level数学学科带头人。自2013年以来就一直在制作有关数学教学的YouTube视频。涵盖范围也很广泛,有着1030个关于A Level Maths的视频和634个关于A Level Further...
After talking to the A-Level lecturers at HELP Academy, our student was assured of the quality & experience that would help him to score Why Edexcel A-Levels? Widest options & opportunities Knowledge & strong preparation for further studies Students sit for the exams in the same time as UK ...
Edexcel A-Level 历年真题 数学—Math 提取码:tffu 物理—Physics 提取码:l44t ⽣物—Biology 提取码:guva 商科—Business 提取码:qigb 化学—Chemistry 提取码:3sdj 经济—Economics 提取码:g5k6 地理—Geography 提取码:1r2g 英国名校附加考试 STEP考试 提取码:z7pa MAT考试 提取码:yqay PAT考试 提取码...
* KS3, GCSE German, iGCSE and A-Level German * Home-educated students learning French & German * Beginner French and German students looking to make fast progress Which qualifications do I help with? * French GCSE & French iGCSE (AQA, CIE, Pearson Edexcel, WJEC, Eduqas) * German GCSE &...
They might also be useful to students studying other A-level or first year degree subjects such as politics, history, economics or business, where globalisation is on the syllabus. Modernity, Post-Modernity and Late Modernity Some of the Key Features of Modernity and Post-Late Modernity and Mode...
┇A.S★131120视频┇After School 'International BNT'拍摄花絮转载请注明afterschool吧官方微博 http://weibo.com/asbar 分享14赞 原版教材资料吧 csliu2088 4本剑桥牛津 Edexcel International A Level Pure MathematicsQQ/微信:758427705 935628733 1回复1 isabeli吧 PattyCar_ 【Isabeli'新闻】She will design for...
看了这么多考试科目,而受中国学生青睐的A-level科目却大多是公认的一些“最难”科目,包括数学、科学、经济等。 数学和科学覆盖的知识点十分广泛,可能包括大学才能学习到的内容,学生必须制定合理的计划,才能复习完所有的topic。 经济、商...