I have specialised in solely teaching A level Biology for over 26 years, and started tutoring online in 2012. “Tom has been an exceptional tutor who has supported my daughter in her application to study Medicine. He has been excellent in explaining content whilst maintaining a clear focus on ...
you can also complete a level courses within 12 months if you have a tight deadline to meet and your tutor will fast-track you at no additional cost. online a levels are recognised by many universities worldwide as the main method of assessing candidates who wish to apply for higher ...
I offer individually tailored lessons in Biology and Chemistry, at A level and University. I teach both offline and online, cognisant of student goals and at a pace to suit the student's learning style.
Physics and Maths Tutor https://www.physicsandmathstutor.com/ 涵盖AQA, Edexcel, OCRWJEC物理解题方法、真题、复习笔记、flashcard等。 A Level Physics Online https://www.alevelphysicsonline.com/ 能在5分钟的视频中解释你的老师需要...
Physics and Maths Tutor 网址:www.physicsandmathstutor.com/ 涵盖AQA,Edexcel,OCRWJEC物理解题方法、真题、复习笔记、flashcard等。 A-Level Physics Online 网址:https://www.alevelphysicsonline.com/ 能在5分钟的视频中解释你的老师需要上一小时课才能讲完的内容。
https://www.physicsandmathstutor.com/ 涵盖AQA, Edexcel, OCRWJEC物理解题方法、真题、复习笔记、flashcard等。 A Level Physics Online https://www.alevelphysicsonline.com/ 能在5分钟的视频中解释你的老师需要上一小时课才能讲完的内容。 生物 Biology Carol ...
网址:physicsandmathstutor.com 涵盖AQA,Edexcel,OCRWJEC物理解题方法、真题、复习笔记、flashcard等。 A Level Physics Online 网址:alevelphysicsonline.com 能在5分钟的视频中解释你的老师需要上一小时课才能讲完的内容。 03 A-level生物学习网站 A-Level Biology 网址:alevelbiology.co.uk/ 涵盖复习笔记和真题等...
A-Level是英国高中课程(General Certificate of Education Advanced Level),它是英国的普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程,是英国的全民课程体系,也是英国学生的大学入学考试课程,就像国内的高考一样。 A-Level的考试时间:每年5-6月和10-11...
We offer comprehensive, online revision courses for GCSE, A Level and University Admissions Tests. Find out more here.
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