Signal-level barcode demux: Scrubbing low-quality reads: Real-time base calling with read-until: Detect analytes from raw event dat...
at the lake at the legal level at the library at the moment hes rea at the moscow flight at the next fork at the ocean park at the other hand at the outside at the result at the right time and at the same gathering at the scene of the c at the session at the southern end at...
at level four at loggerheads with at many night at many testing cente at my chicken barn at my parents room at my window with a b at new york airport at nightin evening at nine o clock at no period at noon night at once shouted reen at ones home at ones service at ones wits endno...
File::Spec::Functions Hash::Merge List::Util MCE::Mutex Module::Load::Conditional Parallel::ForkManager POSIX Scalar::Util::Numeric YAML Math::Utils File::HomeDir For GeneMark-ETP, used when protein and RNA-Seq is supplied: YAML::XS Data::Dumper Thread::Queue threads On ...
Given its rarity, it is diagnostically elusive and requires a high level of clinical suspicion. Therapeutically, it is of limited alternatives. Currently, interferon-α is the most extensively studied agent in the treatment of ECD and serves as the first line of treatment. Treatment with other ...
These data indicate that both the level of tumor fibrosis at time of diagnosis and lysyl oxidase family expression (an indicator of ongoing/future desmoplasia) are notable determinants of patient outcome. To further assess the link between high lysyl oxidase family expression and pancreatic cancer, ...
Notably, the number of lysotracker-positive puncta per cell was restored to control level when assessed 12 h after incubation with d(WW)TAT and d(FFLIP)TAT, suggesting that cells recover from the endosomal disruption that occurs upon delivery. Overall, these data indicate that endosomal escape ...
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The concept of the inheritance of acquired traits, a foundational principle of Lamarck’s evolutionary theory, has garnered renewed attention in recent years. Evidence for this phenomenon remained limited for decades but gained prominence with the Öve