Questions involving tests for glucose and starch are very common, and should be very easy to answer. In my model answer I gave very simple, concise information, which is all that is needed for this ‘describe’ style of question. I mentioned Benedict’s solution (1 mark) and gave the cor...
因为含有大量专业词汇,这也是一道具有挑战性的主题。This kind of question is tricky, as for full marks you're required to come up with some information that isn't explicitly referred to by the question. 这一类型的题目很刁钻,如果想要获得满分就必须要在作答中提及问题中没有提到的信息点。Of cours...
GeneralCertificateofEducationAdvancedSubsidiaryLevelandAdvancedLevel BIOLOGY9700/01 Paper1MultipleChoiceMay/June2007 1hour *8 5851 3929 3* AdditionalMaterials:MultipleChoiceAnswerSheet Softcleaneraser Softpencil(typeBorHBisrecommended) READTHESEINSTRUCTIONSFIRST ...
Centre Number Candidate Number Name UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level BIOLOGY 9700/02 Paper 2 Structured Questions AS May/June 2006 1 hour 15 minutes Candidates answer on the Question Paper. No Additional ...
Paper 3可能会包括课程任何内容,只有synoptic question两种题型,占总成绩的26%。 Practical skills与A-level成绩是区分开的,由你的授课老师在最少12次实验和实地调查后,给出考核结果,成绩直接发给考试局。Practical skills成绩与A-level成绩是并行存在的。
PMT Cambridge International AS & A Level * 6 1 BIOLOGY 9700/53 5 1 Paper 5 Planning, Analysis and Evaluation May/June 2020 4 6 1 hour 15 minutes 7 7 You must answer on the question paper. 0 1 * No additional materials are needed. INSTRUCTIONS ● Answer all questions. ● Use a ...
PMT Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level * 5 8 BIOLOGY 9700/51 1 Paper 5 Planning, Analysis and Evaluation October/November 2016 8 9 1 hour 15 minutes 9 1 Candidates answer on the Question Paper. 4 5 No Additional Materials are required... 需要三大国际考局真题,请添加小萌学姐微信LiuXxue365! 通用学习网站推荐 The Student Room 强力推荐,一个月超过24万的帖子,也有A-level复习模...
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