这个网站包含了大多数主流学科和五个考试局的Past Papers(IG、A-Level都有) 图片来自:Physics&Maths Tutor官网 2 A-Level Notesphysicsandmathstutor.com 图片来自:A-Level Notes官网 该网站是英国本土网站,包括AQA、CIE、Edexcel和OCR等多个考试局,不仅有主流科目的详细笔记,还有按照主题划分的真题试卷和网课。 3...
🌟网站地址:https://gceguide.com/past-papers/ 单科实用学习网站 01 数学:RevisionMaths 🌟网址:https://revisionmaths.com/ 可以获得大量的A-Level数学复习资源、考试技巧、复习视频,涵盖纯数学主题,比如代数、微积分、几何、三角、统计和力...
Here you will find past exam papers and mark schemes for each of the modules below. AS & A-Levels from 2015 AQA AS Paper 1 AS Paper 2 Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3 Edexcel Biology A (Salters-Nuffield) AS Paper 1 AS Paper 2 Paper 1 ...
https://ccea.org.uk/post-16/gce/past-papers-mark-schemes Edexcel https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/support/support-topics/exams/past-papers.html?Qualification-Family=A-Level Eduqas https://www.eduqas.co.uk/home/past-papers/ OCR https://www.ocr.org...
This section includes recent A-Level Biology past papers from AQA, CIE, Edexcel, OCR, CCEA and WJEC. This section also includes SQA Higher and Advanced Higher past papers. If you are not sure which exam board you are studying ask your teacher. Practicing past papers is one of the best wa...
A-Level课程学习资源网站汇总,有需要的小伙伴赶快mark住吧! 一、考试局网站 在考试局网站上,你可以找到真题、大纲、考官报告等。 AQA: https://www.aqa.org.uk/find-past-papers-and-mark-schemes CCEA: https://ccea.org.uk/post-16/gce/past-papers-mark-schemes ...
* Biologypastpapers2002 1 List an external feature of each of the following types of organism that would identify the Group to which it belongs. type of... Premium * BusinessPastPaperCXCPASTPAPERSSOCIAL STUDIES Before you begin to write your answers‚ choose OE of the following topics and ...
Here you will find past exam papers and mark schemes for each of the modules below. AS & A-Levels from 2015 AQA AS Paper 1 AS Paper 2 Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3 Edexcel AS Paper 1 AS Paper 2 Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3 OCR Chemistry A ...
Expert A level Biology tutor with 27 years experience and in-depth knowledge of AQA, OCR A, Eduqas, CIE and IAL. Individual and group tutoring options, videos and free revision resources.
1.save my exams 这里就不得不推荐save my exams这个神仙网站了。Save my exam囊括了英国本土老师按照A-level大纲写的知识总结,按照知识点分类的习题集,和所有的past paper(往届试题) 链接🔗:https://www.savemyexams.com/ Topic Questions中,...