Chap 12 (Part 1b) Aerobic Respiration (GLKO) Cambridge A-Level 9700 Biology 51:07 Chap 12 (Part 1c) ATP and Mitochondria Cambridge A-Level 9700 Biology 07:45 Chap 12 (Part 1d) Anaerobic Respiration Cambridge A-Level 9700 Biology
meiosis 减数分裂 Mendel’s law孟德尔遗传定律 meninges 脑膜 meningitis 脑膜炎 menstrual cycle 月经周期 menstruation 月经 meristem 分裂组织,生长点 mesophyll 叶肉 metabolism 新陈代谢 methane 沼气,甲烷 microorganism 微生物 micropyle 珠孔 mineral ions 矿物离子 mitochondria 线粒体 mitosis 有丝分裂 moss 苔藓 ...
Central to secondary and college-level biology instruction is the development of student understanding of a number of subcellular processes. Yet some of the most crucial are consistently cited as the most difficult components of biology to learn. Among these is meiosis. In this article I report ...
Genetic control of meiosis surveillance mechanisms in mammals 2023, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology Bi-allelic variants in DNA mismatch repair proteins MutS Homolog MSH4 and MSH5 cause infertility in both sexes 2022, Human Reproduction Rescue of male infertility through correcting a genetic...
During meiosis, the germ cell splits into four new sex cells.
relevant sequence divergence (Fig. 2bandSupplementary Table 28). No indication of dosage compensation for these genes was apparent. We conclude that this region represents the pseudoautosomal region (PAR), where both sex chromosomes still pair in female meiosis and crossing over occurs at a normal ...
First-year biology students' understandings of meiosis: An investigation using a structural theoretical framework. Int. J. Sci. Educ. 31(10):1279-1305.Quinn, F., Pegg, J., & Panizzon, D. (2009). First-year biology students' understandings of meiosis: An investigation using a structural ...
We reasoned that the limited protein level of endogenous BRCA2 or limited sensitivity of the BRCA2 antibody might hinder BRCA2 detection by immunostaining. To improve the sensitivity of the detection, we overexpressed GFP-fusion constructs ofBrca2by in vivo electroporation. While we did not observe...
However, interhomolog recombinants promoted by a meiosis-specific DSB rarely exhibit coconversion of markers flanking both sides of the break site (29, 13); ISJMs occur at the level expected from genetic assays. About 35% of apparent Dad–Dad intersister JMs do fall into the IH category, ...
However, several technical and scientific issues remain before these proof-of-principle demonstrations are advanced to effect vector population suppression. The development of a Y-drive has so far proven difficult because of the complete transcriptional shut down of the sex chromosomes during meiosis, ...